Saturday, August 8, 2020

162,936 COVID dead as of this morning.
300,000+ expected by December.
Our head of state insists
"It will go away it will vanish"

He said this yesterday.
As he has been saying since March.

Sez Dorothy,

"Oh Shit"


  1. That 300,000 in December is optimistic.
    I'm reading figures that say we'll be there late October early November. However I don't want to buy into too much pessimism.

    Suffice to say no matter whose in charge it's bad.
    One's feeling of mortality is much with us.
    Well it is if you're not a kid or stupid.

    I do wonder if I'll be here a year from now for the vaccine.
    That or family's war, and anything can happen.
    Me I'm fine with leaving if I have to.

    Hey I'll live as long as I'm supposed to.

    At my age I've seen a lot of death.
    Heck I even fucking died three times.
    So somewhere along the line lost any fear of it.

    The ER don't give you a choice,...they drag you back.
    Thanks a lot assholes.
    I get to see, and live in this shit.

    Curry is good ice cream, and cake too.

    Also boys remain,...some of them...they remain beautiful.
    Mind you I speak as an artist. I'm long past any other interest.
    Thank gawd. Last thing I need now is a messy relationship.

    Otherwise have a nice day.

    1. Your statement about boys reminds me of a comment you made years ago on BAI when you had suggested to some of your friends that you might do a show on the topic. I remember you saying that they told you "OH! You can't do that!"

    2. I had a friend who did that on radio once. He had a show on a major local station, and talked about it for an hour. This was in the early 80s. Even then, it was gutsy. Now it would totally impossible.


  2. "I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever. None. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing, whether it’s natural or man-made, I always hope it gets worse." -George Carlin

  3. We don't need a vaccine. There's a cure. Also, it may well not be possible to make an effective vaccine for this or any other coranavirus. It's like making a vaccine for the flu, liable to be of very uncertain efficacy.

    Fauci is lying about HCQ. It works. Also, it's safe. He's lying about that too. Therefore, he is killing people by suppressing it. Also the NIH and the CDC and the WHO are lying about it. Does this mean that these agencies are betraying humanity by suppressing a safe, known cure and allowing hundreds of thousands of people to die just so big pharma can rake in billions on some drugs they're cooking up that will be of dubious efficacy and probably toxic? Yes, it does, and that's what they're doing. And it's nothing new.


  4. On boys - Beauty is a manifestation of divine.


  5. About the cure...whatever it may be.
    It will be for paying customers only. So said #45 at the start of this drama.

    Btw this reminds me when Heroin was used as a cure for Morphine addiction. ...I expect the same results.

    As for Divinities.

    Some kinds of Boys,...Species Boy is very like Quantum Physics.
    They are both mysterious, and wonderous in their beauty.


    As it happens at about the same time as your friend did in the early 80's. I expounded on the air about the fractal beauties of Species Boy.

    At that time there was a cautious acceptance of such within part of the progressive realms,...Anarchists Radical Shamanic Witches, and assorted thoughtful souls.

    This vanished.

  6. HCQ costs one dollar per tablet. ONE. And it works. It grows on trees. I mean that literally: it comes from the inner bark of a certain species. We could easily end this crisis in a hurry, but that is being deliberately and maliciously prevented. There's a great deal of supporting evidence I want to add, but my access to this computer is about to end for the day, so I will have to post it later. And I mean to.

    We must be stubborn about the Beauty of Boy. We must plant time capsules of art and polemics and poesy, if that is what it takes. This is a long term struggle.


  7. Re: Species Boy.

    Dreams, and Beauty live forever.


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