Saturday, June 13, 2020

The 76th anniversary of D-Day. The Allied invasion of  Nazi held Europe was last week. This is not distant history for me or some of us. We had family in that. It still resonates for some of us personally.
Boys like myself raised in the aftermath of WW2 have an emotional feeling for that era. 
Our fathers fought in it. He never told us what he had to do. However I could see the map of his war when at the beach by the scars on his legs, and body. My Mom was a Rosy the riveter. She made Hellcat fighter planes out at Grumman. The fathers, and uncles our playmates all fought in that war. 
One way or another everybody we knew teachers neighbors relatives all were part of that Great Trial that decided our futures our fates. Imagine a world where Axis Nazi Germany Imperial Japan, and their allies now ruled the world. Such would have been truly a new dark age,
So there we all were in the aftermath of that great history building model P-40's, and Spitfires. 
That, and re-enacting Normandy, and the Battle of the Bulge. This in parks, and beaches from one end of 1950's early 60's America to the other. We were the 'good' guys. We saved the world from a new dark age.
Then ongoing Segregation the National Security State Vietnam the endless propping up of murderous tyrannies through the whole of the Cold War. This, and assorted other crimes, and misdemeanors that betrayed everything our fathers, and uncle's fought for, and our mother's built for.
However despite that even now in our elder years. We still love the old America that did the right thing when it counted when it mattered more than ever. Now our children, and  grandchildren are in the streets. 
Once again doing the right thing when it matters most.
( Above my WW2 fighter pilot doll, and model P-40.)

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