Sunday, June 28, 2020

My 70th Birthday is creeping up in a few weeks. 
I can't have that grand massive 70th parade so I wanna a damned cake! 
Above is a feasibility study on a scientifically accurate cake. 
Um,...might need a few more candles.


  1. You must receive the cake you desire. You deserve all the indulgence you can get. So it is decreed.


  2. In that case perhaps a side of ribs tossed in might be nice too.

    Thanks Comrade.

    Bless you for being there putting up with this deranged shit all these centuries. ....a case of Vermont Rolling Rock beer would be nice too.

  3. Instead of 70 candles, I would like an oxy-acetolene torch burning with a blue flame that burns its image into your eyes, just so that none will forget.



"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...