Thursday, March 5, 2020

"We're Saved!!!"

#45 on Fox disputes the new WHO/CDC COVID-19 fatality rate of 3.4% for adults 14% for elders. That 14% is from the Brit's research.
#45 was citing his considered "...Hunch". ...nothing else.
The real number, which he'd just made up is, "...well below 1%."

This is going to cost lives.

His fans
trust this madman with their lives. This means his fan base will continue to gather in large crowds. 
Take no liberal socialist health precautions, and basically get seriously ill, and since so many are elderly,...die in large numbers. ...14%.
A similar solution in play for the leadership of Iran,...see below post.

A tragic, and massive Darwin Awards celebration is in the making.

Meanwhile back on earth this announcement by the WHO/CDC has caused alarm in the rational nations of the world.

Me I now wash my hands with a solution of alcohol.

It won't help much, but it's the thought that counts. least it smells healthy.

(...Btw is anyone still paying attention to that election. I mean Bernie is in that 14% fatality bracket. Warren just dropped out so she'll be safe at home. As for #45,...well. )

My take on this mess I posted elsewhere,...

The Ugliness of our politics.

We get what we deserve. No one running deserves to win. It's just a matter of degree of opportunistic rot. No matter who wins I'm still fucked. 

The general electorate, including myself, and all running on both sides are contemptable loveless unforgiving. We're Angry vengeful tribes. 

After decades of evil hateful Culture Wars.
The American made of an ugly strain of stone.


  1. Morris Berman agrees with you; he says Americans are suffering a dreadful fate because we're awful people who have earned it. He also says this is an irreversible process, having long since passed the point of no return.

    It's been a long time since I was out of the country or met many people from elsewhere, so I don't have much of a standard of comparison. I suspect there are quite a few awful people in other parts of the world too, but in what concentrations I'm not sure.

  2. P.S. - Looks like in some places salvation is about five feet deep.

  3. With a Gold card you get six feet.

  4. Compared to other western countries,...I except former Soviet republics. Those are returning to type with authoritarian maniacs at the helm to the cheers of the mob.

    Western countries have a far better educated populous. Have been at peace most of them since 1945. Are not seriously in a Culture wars except lately against immigrants.

    They're not perfect. However they generally don't feed on hate, and conspiracy theories as their main diets.

    The know we went to the Moon they know that the world is round they can read,...and do. They also know the difference between a clear lie, and the truth.

    These are things the American experiment currently lacks.

    So yeah we have the country we deserve, and want.


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