Sunday, March 8, 2020

"Skipper Ready for Spring"

Dolls, and assorted Fictional Characters
are immune to Plagues, and History.
This is why they're so much fun.


  1. Never mind! I wanna piece a dat cake with all 70 candles on top!

  2. You bet!

    Indeed All Fucking 70! Candles will be on that Bastard!!

    It'll be slopping over with the best icing as well.

    You're welcome to 'seconds,...I'm sure getting some!!

  3. I love Spring and yearn for its arrival. I'm afraid that due to recent experiences Winter to me basically means suffering, sickness and death. Maybe with a well insulated and heated house it would be different. Then I might welcome a crisp but moderate snowfall.

    I'd ask for a slice of cake, but am afraid it won't make it here in prime condition.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...