Sunday, March 29, 2020

I just read something. "You cannot lie onstage." 
As it happens no you cannot or rather 'should' not. You can be mistaken, but not lie. I gave decades before the public. Mostly on radio. I found that the best live performers. Those that understood what it was to speak to the sky. These connected to the minds, and souls of all that listened. That is actually 'listened' this because they knew what they were hearing was a live living person. One doing their best to describe reality as they saw it.
Not clever lies to get them to buy or believe.
This "Truth" in it's variations was our goal for the entirety of our years before you. 
Was, and is the goal of the better of my colleagues. It would seem we had worthy or useful lives after all.
These days have put me in mind of considering where I've gone, and what I did.
(...above my Radio Daze.)


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...