Monday, March 30, 2020

Photo taken by my FB pal Dante.
They still have snow in winter there.
That, and everything seems to be horny.

There above is part of a 1000 bed field hospital here in the Emerald City. However if worse came to worse. As I've said. I'll have my time at home. I certainly appreciate the effort. 'But I'll be watching old Star Treks on Netflix reading trashy novels, and eating large quantities of Chocolate in my own bleeping digs,...thanks. 
I'd also call #45, and give that Nazi jerk a good talking to!

These days are changing us. Who we were becomes an echo of an echo.
We are leaving that, and becoming what?
I don't know. I just don't know yet.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

I just read something. "You cannot lie onstage." 
As it happens no you cannot or rather 'should' not. You can be mistaken, but not lie. I gave decades before the public. Mostly on radio. I found that the best live performers. Those that understood what it was to speak to the sky. These connected to the minds, and souls of all that listened. That is actually 'listened' this because they knew what they were hearing was a live living person. One doing their best to describe reality as they saw it.
Not clever lies to get them to buy or believe.
This "Truth" in it's variations was our goal for the entirety of our years before you. 
Was, and is the goal of the better of my colleagues. It would seem we had worthy or useful lives after all.
These days have put me in mind of considering where I've gone, and what I did.
(...above my Radio Daze.)

The Pandemic has forced us to decide which is more important. The economy or lives. Our owners have clearly made a decision. At least 30% of us are okay with that. Till they or loved one's get sick.

America is an idea.
A shared dream. One based on the Constitution.
Something most have never read, the Bible. Yet have rather profoundly strong opinions about.

As a public service here's our Constitution,...all seven words.
"Life Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

These particular words almost didn't make it. They were saved from the cutting room floor by Jefferson. A slave holder who valued such things.
Dramatically contradictory, that's us in a nutshell. We're an imperfect, but evolving republic.

If you catch an American at the right moment. When they're not burning crosses or making excuses for Fidel.  We're a pretty decent folk. We'd rather that children were safe, and fed,...elders the sick, and even sometimes the poor as well.

On the current "Money or your Life" issue.
I'm going out on a limb, and saying most folks aren't down with the idea. Most,...except for a certain 30%. Most will say "Life. Let people live. They're more valuable than anyone's dividends."

So that's who we are.

Gawd Bless America,...mostly

Above is ol' slave holding George. 
Those profound contradictions again. There he is as I saw him the other week. This in the Virus ridden Emerald City. 
Old cousin George still leading us. Through wars famines, and plagues. Someone should put a surgical mask on him.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

#45 wants to Blockade the New York New Jersey, and southern New England region. Sounds like something from a science fiction series. 'But then the last two months have been just that. I have no details as I've pulled my head out of the platform beehives for a bit.

Well this is serious. 

How the hell will they do it...if they do? American interstate borders are not like China's or even Europe's. They have always been open so are porous as hell. Just putting up road blocks with some trucks, and tanks will not cut it,...if folks wants out they'll get out.

Also is this needed yet? 

Are things worse than they're letting on. Or is this just more fantasy made up bullshit from the often delusional current head of state,...again. Thing's are getting interesting. 

I don't know if to break out the popcorn to watch this demented drama or protest it in a careful socially distanced sort of way.

Such days.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I'm just sitting here watching it unravel. As expected. Human constructs are profoundly fragile. Our belief systems, and our skyscrapers. They all come down.

Bernie's mob are acting exactly like #45's. 

Same blind worship. Now they want the old guy to run as a 3rd party spoiler to make sure Biden doesn't win. They some of them are literally saying this. That this will re-install #45 is not an issue for them.


Fuck them all to hell the red caps, and the millennial Bernieites. 
They're the same. Both I'm finding think this Pandemic either does not exist or is just a cold. I have progressive friends that are buying the same conspiracy crap as the far right.

The Virus don't care.

That bastard will kill your ass no matter what you think. On the up side this will remove many morons from the gene pool. This is a very good thing. Such people cause nothing, but misery in the world. On the other hand it may kill my ass too. Collateral damage I guess.

I think this thing if it packs the punch of that 1918 Flu event will finally end the fucking 20th century. 

This by eradicating the left over leadership of that vile era along with their most loyal Brown Shirts.
That, and a whole population of conspiracy idiots religious fanatic's, and assorted political jerks.
These who all think it's just a cold or doesn't exist.

It seems the worse this get's. the more deniers dig in their heels. They can't face or deal with it. So it's the deep state the one percent the Jews the Chinese. Anything, but what it is. 

This is like the last scene on the Titanic. 
Utter disbelief,...followed by panic, and the trampling of babies to get on a life boat. That life boat part is coming. 
This when the it's the Jews  mob realizes this is real, and can kill their worthless evil lives.

his is ugly as shit.

But then nature is like that. She up-ends our crap. Bring downs whole species, and even moves fucking continents around. Serious shit that. So try not to get on her bad side.

Stay tuned.

Like my Aunt Sybil said to me when I was little. 
After we die "the world goes on". 
"Kids go to school daddies go to work"
,...and this most telling...

"people go to the bathroom". That last bit brought it completely home for me.

After this is all over. it will peak in the summer.
A vaccine will come through in a year to 18 months.
Recovery will happen.

Then all this it will be forgotten.
Like my Auntie said, "...the world goes on."

To pass the time of House Arrest. I decided a few hours ago to get serious on a Pagan theology,...or something based on Tinkerbelle. I held the first service at dawn in the last open spot in my kitchen cabinet. 

I was going to put a load of Spam there,...but ya know. It went well. 
No crowds yet, but I can wait. ...yes I'm being silly. 
Don't know what else to do.

Cat Woman over wrought by the service fell asleep in the Spam.

Cat's like Spam.

Being alone in my digs I imagined it was a spaceship adrift in the far Ort Cloud. I thought of the Hubble space telescope. It's shown us so many beautiful wonderful worlds. 'But no Consciousness. 

We missed these by some billions of years. Future awareness will in turn miss us.

The Earth for now is alone.
We are alone in a Palace of Wonders.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Losing people. This is more, and more on my mind. I fear for my family my friends. My neighbors myself. 
In a year or less some will be gone. By all I read see, and hear this is now a certainty.
I say this post this read this, but can't believe this. But must. As is said History is not 'was' history 'is'.

If you absolutely 'must' go out. 
Do it like this. 
It may be the last thing you do so do it with style

Wind rain, and sleet on the empty streets of the Emerald City.
The reality of this great, and terrible event is seeping into every part of us now. 
We are not only witnessing history. 
We're personally making it.

In Dallas Texas.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Right now with the exceptions of China, and South Korea.
The Pandemic is being handled between two efforts.
"Do Nothing",...which most have done since January.
Which is to let it burn through the population.
This to get "Herd Immunity"
That, and Mitigation.
Mild efforts as not to disrupt the supply chain.

Here's the naked numbers for these two approches.
We get Spanish Flu results.
Between 50 to 80+ millions of deaths.

Possible 10+ millions in this country.

These are the KIA's of a limited Nuke War.

These are the numbers.
If we keep doing or not doing what we're doing.

It does not have to be like this.

I'm watching Spanish doctors in tears. 
They saying they have to take older people off their equipment.
This to save the younger.

They give the elders sedatives.
This so they might die with a shred of dignity comfortably.

Here's the deal.
It doesn't not matter if you or anyone does not believe this.
It's happening anyway.
In the same way Science is real.
No matter if Evangelicals believe it or not.

What is the common mob doing?

The young continue to party.
Nazis dream of weaponizing it kill the inferior peoples.
Our current head of state is using it to get re-elected.
 The rest revel in conspiracies fake cures, and assorted dementia.

Me I'm in my digs watching it happen.

No one in the 'Hoods are staying in or social distancing.
Just from my window it's a normal Spring day.
Folks kids even elders just wandering around. 
Cars driving all over the place. 
They still don't wear masks, and still go out for trivial reasons.

In Manhattan where the rich live.
The authorities are taking measures to inform, and protect them.
Across the bridges,...nothing.

 Some here in overheard conversations
 don't even believe this is real.
This is my subjective experience.
I so hope others are seeing different.

I imagine it's the same in trailer park USA.

Good luck my dear comrades.
Please try not to do anything stupid.

Stay tuned.


For years I lived alone in a sea of millions. Now many join my solitude. Days are different. Something breathes through my soul. I sense others around me in ways I couldn't when they were in the other world. Now we share an eternity of dreams.

"...king of the hill"

About the madness of the King.

He is not just a president to his followers. He is a religious figure. To be believed in, and defended. 
The liberal equivalent emotionally would be Kennedy or Dr. Martin Luther King. 
Those two are nothing like #45, and he not like them. 

'But they are all three a deity to their particular tribes. 
This is why our Culture Wars are at heart tribal religious wars. 
More akin to the middle east conflicts than just normal politics. ...and just as immune to resolution. 

Tho' this virus pandemic 'could' bring us together. 
However given the leadership of both sides it's unlikely.


If you haven't already. Keep a family or personal Journal of these times. This Pandemic. Not just for yourself, but for history. Historians will use what you write to tell the story of this historic even.

The last great Pandemic to sweep the world killed Five Percent of the Human Species. A great many Millions of people perished. Yet unlike the Black Death of the 14th century this left hardly any social mark.

In less than 20 years it was socially forgotten.

Yes it was in history books, but it was an obscure footnote to the post WW1 era. There is an effort for this not to happen again. Record what you your family your friends see, and do during these coming days. 
It matters now, and will matter even more in the future.

Friday, March 20, 2020


I will make this one political statement regards our current head of state, and the current Pandemic.
It is at least now possible that he will not escape this disaster. 
One he could have if not averted, and least tamed to moderation if he acted in time. 

He will be held accountable for this. 

Then finally for all else he has done in the last three, and a quarter years. 

New York State, and others now in Lockdown.
Illinois Connecticut, and New York State joined California on Friday in ordering all residents to stay in their homes unless they have vital reasons to go out. That's 70 Millions of people. 

Many business required to shut. 
Only essential services to continue.
Below an American City Los Angeles in Quarantine.

"'s in the Mail"

I forgot to mention.

In my mail today,...which still seems to be getting delivered.
Besides the New Yorker being late. I got from what there is of our government,..."Census 2020" materials.
I guess they ain't sending folks out in the middle of this.
So we mail it in. Online too I think. I guess they want to count us while we're still here. I haven't decided what race I am or what religion.

I always make stuff up for that.
My ancestors are from Mississippi so here above is their Census logo.
Send yours in.
The current adminsitration has attempted to purge as many non-whites as they could from the count.
They especailly were after Hispanics, and Native Peoples. With Blacks they always undercounted us.

Except when we were Slaves.
That's the last time our lives had value for them. They counted Slaves. Some states even inflated the number for politcal points. 

Wadda fucking country.

"...personal experiences"

I witnessed the first price gouging at the supermarket today. Bread has gone up. ...when it's there. Dairy is wildly up 30%+. 
This is of course illegal. 
The folks were not happy with this, and made it known. There was still yelling when I left. The Mayor just spoke about this the other day. How measures were underway to prevent this sort of thing.

We'll see.

I was going to go out, and document this on going virus event. That, and post it here. However friends made clear this was on the suicidal side of unwise. ...perhaps they have a point.

On the up side. 
Twice today neighbors in my building looked in on me. One from downstairs said she saw me hauling laundry. She offered to take care of that for me. 

Later from across the hall my new neighbor. He just moved in with his family. He knock asking if I was okay. He also offered to help. Said he could shop for me. Pick up stuff for me when he goes out for his family.

I needed to tell you guys this.

People are good at heart. 
Despite my cynical grumpiness I always believed that. Like Anne Frank wrote how folks are basically good. Despite everything. It seems they are.

Other that all that it's a warm summer like evening in the Emerald City.
It's due to Climate alterations, but still a nice evening.

You all be well out there. 

Stay tuned.

"...local authorities"

NYC Subway Mid-day yesterday.

End of the World at a glance. With no effective national leadership, and the controlling party playing politics with relief efforts. Governors mayors city council persons librarians, and school boards locally filling this tragic void. There are more important announcements, and regulations coming online. 

Please pay attention to your local authorities.

This is not unlike the plan for war. This when cut off from Washington,...if it's still there. Local leadership uses both prepared, and improvised plans to deal with the catastrophe.

Unfortunately in our case this is hampered by our current head of state constantly appearing on TV with ineffective miracle cures, and obstructing the adults who are trying to manage this disaster.

That aside. Take all precautions you can. There are many non-hysteria based suggestions online. That, and your common sense. Especially you folks. The people on this page tend to be thoughtful, and smart as hell. Me I'm making it up as I go along, but I'm good for a few laughs.

Meanwhile watch this guy.

The Brit Doctor John Campbell that's being recognized around the world for his video streams about what's going on why, and what you should consider doing. I mean the BBC German DW-TV the Canadians, and other networks have him on,...hell even Fox likes him. Yeah it's finally that serious.

His video streams are here. >>>

Stay tuned.

"...Radio Drama"

Yes Kiko, and Betty know the boys in the lower panel
are Queer as Eleven Yen Bills.
But how they desire their boyish beauty.
Oh what to do?!

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...