Tuesday, January 21, 2020


How much longer can I keep doing this?
In some conditions we ask ourselves that. ...one wonders. 
Everyday then another, and another. We just keep breathing.

Whatever works.

There's a reason we drop dead around this age. I'm staring down 70. We've done our jobs. Now we wait. Not so bad really. 
Though it depends on your point of view.


We have these. They're life long habits. Mine are there, but I don't care about them as much. I just noticed,...I don't. 

These are important. 
Like the forms I have to fill out for extra Social Security medical assistance. This will come in handy as shit is breaking down in my guts, and all.

However the forms just sit there. 
Once I would have done them mailed them in hours,...now weeks,...there they sit.  Complications. I have to copy certain documents, and send them in too. 

I no longer have patience for complications,...even little ones.

I figure when I fall over assorted programs will kick in to 'make' them keep me alive,...not that I want that. 
The system is there to keep your heart beating no matter how awful your existence may be.


I'm getting pie, and ice cream today. 
Non-sugar If I can find it. Small pleasures.

These are what makes a life. 
Laffs with pals love of family weird events doing art dreaming, and ice cream. I can ask for no more.

I want no more.

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