Tuesday, December 17, 2019

"Whadda' Doll!"

Boys, and Men should play with Dolls. See some of my little sweet hearts above. It's good for lads, and men to have, and play with dolls of any gender species or orientation.
Doll play is good for the soul. Sort of like eating your greens, but way more fun. 

It Humanizes. 

For boys it would help them understand their responsibilities to others.
Actually there should be more, and varied sorts of Boy Dolls, and boys should play with them. This would help them see their fellows in a more compassionate, and generous way.

Only 'good' could come from this!


  1. Actually boys *do* play with dolls, but we call them "action figures." I wouldn't assume there's never anything gay about it either. Maybe Timmy wants to make it with his buddy GI Joe.

  2. Josh has actually posted two boys playing dolls from 2007:

    1. This is exactly the kind of dolls I want to play with. Thanks to ANON for this refreshment!

  3. Timmy, and some GI "Rough Trade".
    Well I suppose ya has to start somewhere.

    Loved the video Anon.
    Brought tears to this old fags fading eyes.

  4. Fantastic video! It should be on national TV, particularly in Russia where it is especially needed.


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