Monday, December 2, 2019

"...the end"

The end has already happened. As in the books, and films about the fall. It doesn't mean the machines stop. They keep going. Whole populations with their faces buried in devices. This as they step over the destitute while on their way to upscale shops.

The end is not the end of our machines. It's the end of our hearts.

The obliteration of even the possibility of public kindness. That is the end. This is what I see in my country, and much of the developed world. However there is hope. Because this is merely the end of our humanity.

The Earth will Abide.


  1. You have summed it up perfectly Sidney!
    “Technology will surely drown us. The individual is disappearing rapidly. We’ll eventually be nothing but numbered ants." -Marcel Duchamp, in an interview in 1966, as quoted in the catalogue of the 2019 Whitney Biennial.

  2. ...I wish this were not so.

    Somehow I still have sparks of hope.

    I shouldn't, but do.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...