Monday, December 23, 2019

"Pink Dreams Rainbow World"

Was chatting with a FB pal about Trannie folks,...whom she thinks do not exist. A lot feel this way. She's especially irate about kids. In that she thinks forcing kids who may just be ordinary gays into something as final, and extreme as trans stuff is too much. Even cruel.

I always thought folks is folks just leave them be.

As for Trannies they are who that are, and that's all. The labels we use today are just as inaccurate as the 19th century "Third Sex" noise.

The mysteries of orientation intimate identity, and such are only in recent decades just beginning to be examined in even slightly rational ways. There's so much we just don't get as to how any number of variables can affect a life. Create an intimate identity. 

We're deep in the Dark Ages of this area of our humanity. We're still in the burning people, and books stage. So it's no wonder everything is all nuts ugly, and even deadly.

Me I say, and do with the best I know or imagine.

As for genders, and various orientations. I think there are as many of these as there are people,...7 Billions+.
As for kids the torment near all of them recieve from adults is still an unrecognized Crime Against Humanity.

So it's not impossible that putting a well meaning, but mistaken gender identity on a youngster may be a cruelty. There's so much we just don't know. Like we didn't know Germ theory in the 15th century.

Till we get a fucking grip best we can do is be open kind loving, and accepting as much as we personally can.

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