Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Fight for Kindness fight for Generosity fight for Love. This is not a contradiction because these things are so rare so precious that they ‘have’ to be fought for!


  1. I've scripted a GN called "The Love Warrior." I had problems with the seeming internal contradiction of this title, until I discovered a long-ago interview with an extraordinary martial artist: the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba. Here are some of his remarks:

    "This Universe is composed of many different parts, and yet the Universe as a whole is united as a family and symbolizes the ultimate state of peace. Holding such a view of the Universe, aikido cannot be anything but a martial art of love. It cannot be a martial art of violence... The state of mind of the aikidoist must be peaceful and totally non-violent. That is to say, that special state of mind which brings violence into a state of harmony... War-like activity is totally out of place.

    "...Since I myself taught martial arts to be used for the purpose of killing others to soldiers during the War, I became deeply troubled after the conflict ended. This motivated me to discover the true spirit of aikido seven years ago, at which time I came upon the idea of building a heaven on earth... When I came to this realization, I concluded that the true state of aikido is love and harmony... Aikido was born in accordance with the principles and workings of the Universe. Therefore, it is a budo (martial art) of absolute victory.

    "In aikido we utilize the power of the opponent completely. So the more power the opponent uses, the easier it is for you.

    "In aikido, there is absolutely no attack. To attack means that the spirit has already lost... since you win over everything in accordance with the mission of heaven, you possess absolute strength.

    "Aikido is ai (love). You make this great love of the Universe your heart, and then you must make your own mission the protection and love of all things... it is a way to absolute self-perfection in which the very enemy is eliminated. The technique of aiki is ascetic training and a way through which you reach a state of unification of body and spirit by the realization of the principles of Heaven.

    "The ultimate goal of aiki is the creation of heaven on earth. In any case, the entire world must be in harmony. Then we do not have a need for atomic and hydrogen bombs. It can be a comfortable and pleasant world."

  2. "Wow",...more coherent comment to follow.

  3. "Fight for love, and kindness".

    Not a contradiction as you are not attacking not hating not deliberately destroying what is peaceful useful calm kind, and good. Rather you are defending these things.

    Especially as Sensei Morihei Ueshiba sez by turning the opponets own dark forces back on them, and defeat them.


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