Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Most don't care about others or the world. The poor, and hungry are before their eyes, and they literally step over them. The world is dying all around us no one cares. If it ain't happening to them it ain't happening.

Eh if you're thinking of all those progressive kids forget it. Young people go through a very short idealistic phase. 
They quickly get over it, and become like their parents, and grand parents. ..racist Nazi republicans. 
I seen this happen to three generations now. So it's a trend.

Remember Occupy ended at Spring Break. 

I just read the very Earth could become uninhabitable with a 6c degree increase in world temps. All agriculture dies off at a 1.5c increase, and human life ends at 4c. This should be front page news, but ain't, and never will be till shit starts killing folks millions at a time.

Even then jerks in the rich safe countries still won't care because it ain't happening to them.

I don't mean people are evil I mean people are human. Personal comfort, and survival is the only real goal for all 7 Billions of us. 
Sure there a few that care, but these are so rare they're made into prophets or saints then ignored.

So look since no ones cares that the fucking world will end in a few centuries. Well okay the world will be hotter, but fine. We'll be gone though. Anyway it occurred to me a way to make the average moron care, and do the right thing.

Pay them to care.

Hard bucks in hand if they care, and do the right shit. 

This must have been thought of before. It would work too. However practical it ain't. However we're past practicalities what with facing extinction in four or five generations,...which is the problem. 

The wild shit mostly won't affect most in the rich countries till the mid-2100's. Few alive now will be around for that so fuck it.

So if I were the absolute king emperor boss of America. I'd put a third of the country on the payroll. Real money not some stupid handout. 
$100 grand a year plus whatever they make from their job. That, and all taxes reduced to 2% for them, and their families.

We give them a middleclass income to work at fucking fixing the mess were in. As for what they'll do,...that's another rant. 

Whatever one third of half a billion is will be working at cleaning this horror show up...mostly in their spare time which with those numbers is all we'll need.

There I said it, and I'm glad.


  1. This panicky hand-waving sort of stuff does not convey an accurate picture of climate change, which I think is real but which is being used politically by rich people for dubious ends, IMHO. Those fat cats who shipped Greta to Davos don't care what happens to the rest of us. This rapid disaster scenario is fake, and is designed to get the rest of us to practice austerity by eating bugs or one another, so they can keep jetting around the world in their private planes.

    Our real problem isn't limited to climate change, but can be better described by the broader term of overshoot, including population levels that are guaranteed to crash in very painful ways, and also including general environmental degradation - not just climatic - and very importantly, resource depletion.

    Onward and downward!

    P.S. - Some good news: it appears that a young Dutch guy is doing quite a bit to clean up the Pacific garbage patch with his non-profit outfit. Good on him.

  2. Yeah I noticed that Pacific plastic garbage guy.

    It only takes 'one' to get off their comfortable butt. Like the young gal Greta. These are just kids, but they touched a nerve that wanted to be touched.

    As for the rest of it.
    Well the time table shifts from here to there, but the outcome is the same. Though you're right the panic serves the purpose of the Jet-vampires.

    Back in the 1990's they said what is happening now would happen in the mid to late 21st century,'s 50 years early. Same with the poles. They predicted that shit going on now would come in the late 21st or early 22nd century.

    Early again in a serious way.

    Though despite that life will go on normally for many even most. Although some First World countries like right now Australia may bite the dust. It's 120+ in most of their country right now. Their woodlands are burning from coast to coast at this very moment.

    They'll survive this as long as it isn't an annual thing...and it isn't,...yet. However will be.

    Like Katina, and Sandy aren't every year yet, but will be.

    So yeah drastic action should be If we did that back in the early 70's like with all that Earth Day jazz. Things 'might' not be as bad now.

    I say "Might" because the planet is fucking big, and pissed off. We might not have the power to do anything about that. No matter how early we started.

    Me I think if we knew,...and some did even as early as the early 20th century. A few science weirdos got that fucking the world up would fuck 'us' one day.

    If we as a world community...which we weren't yet at the time.

    However if we had started taking measures to temper industry say back in 1870. Well,...

    It slightly possible the climate would still outwardly be balanced. New York would still be getting snow in winter Chicago would not have heat deaths in the high hundreds to low thousands every year, and both ice pack would be mostly...not completely, but mostly intact.

    We might have slowed, but not stopped the process.

    Giving us a buffer to adjust more rationally. Moving population centers inland changing the varieties of crops. Laying off the more caustic stuff like DDT.

    You get the picture.

    Yeah I know,...dream on.


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