Sunday, December 15, 2019


An old note from a passed on dear friend. I just found this missive from him chatting about a show I had just done,...he usually came on after me in the rotation, but was home with flu that time.

This is just to say I greatly enjoyed the show this morning,I mean everything was pretty much the same as if I had been at the station, except I wasn't wearing a suit, and I didn't have to walk 100 yards to have a cigarette, and I didn't have to cross off my work sheet points you so excellently make. Yr rapid fire "zingers" are delicious "it tastes just like the can it comes from" got me laughing so hard I coughed well into La Voz Latina (which by the way sounded eerily familiar). Hoping this Mayan thing pans out, I remain, as ever, yours: S

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