Saturday, November 2, 2019

"Old Post...a year ago?"

"Taking the Jews with them"

I was wandering around my files.
I stumbled over some shots I took in the Newsroom of the station I wasted my life at. Me, and my old pal Tom. He was the military affairs research editor @ the place. We're seen here playing. 
Yeah model makers do play with the product.

I never grew up neither did he. We were well met.

Here we're re-enacting an actual incident.
Vichy French Dewotine Fighters, and transports 
 stationed in Syria made a break from their Nazi captors.
Them gaudy yellow red stripes were put there by them Nazis. 
This to identify them as neutral. Which Vichy was. 
The Vichy were very happy to turn Jews over to Nazis,...went out of their way to do so. As did all of the occupied countries.

Point is these Vichy pilots refused to turn over the names of Jews in their squadron. So they took off for British Egypt. 
Taking the Jews with them.
They ran into Nazi Bf-109's over the Med. Two Vichy planes were shot down, but six confirmed Nazi fucks bit the fucking dust.
Twelve Vichy planes made it out. 
They became Free French after landing.

Tom, and I re-enacted this in the hallways, and newsroom to the befuddlement of the rest of the staff.

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