Sunday, September 1, 2019

"Wait,...get's better."

People are being tested to make sure they are Jews. Nazis did this, but for somewhat different reasons.
Israeli Rabbinical courts are using enhanced DNA tests to see if applicants for citizenship are really Jewish. In recent years the Jewish state has become more openly Apartheid. 

Which is to say racist.

This no surprise. They were allied with the former South African white supremist government. In particular with their mutual nuclear weapons programs.  Democratic South Africa has since abandoned it's nuclear arsenal.

Israel still expands theirs.

Understandable knowing that if they lose just one war,...just one.
The Jewish peoples will be stateless for the next 3000 years. they were for the 3000 before 1948.
Knowing how unwanted they are has instilled a fear that has twisted their souls. 

the memory of Slavery has twisted ours.

The nationalist wave that has enveloped the West has Israel firmly in it's embrace. Those same Rabbinical authorities are trying to make Queer relationships criminal again. 

Some want it a death penalty crime as it is in parts of Africa. If things continue as they are they'll get their wish. It will happen there in parts of Europe, and here as well.

We are in evil times again.


  1. Furthermore they have us fighting their wars, at ruinous expense to our ourselves. Stupid us.

    About backwards Rabbinical authorities. You know Hannukah, that nice little holiday that everyone loves to be inclusive about? What it celebrates is the failure of the Reform Jews in the Seleucid empire to bring the Orthodox types over to their Hellenized ways during the second century BCE. Had the reformists been successful, it is likely that Christianity would never have swept the world, and might never even have arisen. In other words, what Hannukah celebrates is a terrible tragedy, not the wonderful event that the victory of the Maccabees is supposed to have been.

  2. So I heard. I'm fuzzy on Rabbinical history, but got the outline of all that stuff long ago. people are just shits. they like being murderous fanatical evil fucks,'s fun.

    It'll be interesting in Paradise when the Nazis the Israeli fascists Black racists the Klan straight gays, and homophobes all find themselves in court, and all in the defendants block.

    They may be somewhat surprised at the company their keeping.


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