Sunday, September 8, 2019

"..up to 200 mph"

Speaking of a head of state that can change the weather with a few jots of a Sharpie. I'm amazed tho' should not be that everyone has already forgot one of the strongest Hurricanes in that last century. 

News cycles are moving on, and there's new celeb scandals.

The damned thing had sustained winds close to 200 mph/321 kph, hear that. hello?

It flew as fast as WW2 fighter planes through peoples homes schools, and businesses. I'm thinking what 180~200 mph or 321 kph would do to my Brooklyn 'hood. What would it do to where you're sitting now?

Many islands were scraped clean.

This like parts of NYC during Sandy or most of New Orleans during Katina. We were slightly lucky this time. The storm stalled for days over the islands. These folks took the hit for us.

This time.

It could have been Miami that was wiped off the map. Then maybe a few might pay attention to the new Climate Era we are most certainly in.  As always there's the human,...mostly bored American eat pizza play computer games mentality,... 

"If it ain't happening to me it ain't happening."

Okay,...wait, just wait it will come it will happen.


  1. The super rich are oblivious to all this. They have built luxurious underground enclaves throughout the mid-west and established massive hideaways in places like New Zealand. They could care less about what happens to the 99.9% of humanity. Get used to it. This has become a fact of life.

  2. Btw the New Zealanders despise the what they call "Bolt Hole" yanks. They're arrogant, and racist.

    There was incident when one of these Nazi jerks shot an 11 year old native boy dead.
    This because he wandered on to survivalist land.

    In this country no harm no foul.

    In New Zealand the Nazi fuck got 20 years. While out on bail he tried to get away to Hawaii. Was literally taken off the plane, and put into custody.

    This incident did not endear the rest of the Survivalist yanks to the country.
    There's a popular sentiment to deport the lot of them.

    So on the upside if shit happens I expect these shits to be tossed to the sharks. That or deported to whatever US territory isn't glowing.

  3. Serves 'em right. Check out what happened to Roman aristocracy as the western Empire went down. The only upper class survivors were competent, reliable military commanders in remote provinces who managed to hold on to a fort or a small territory, and their followers. Everyone else was dog meat.

  4. Local commander's Rule #1: you need good relations with the locals. Otherwise their dogs get new supply of meat.

  5. I keep bringing up this quote from Freud, and here it is again:

    "We come upon a contention which is so astonishing that we must dwell upon it. This contention holds that what we call our civilization is largely responsible for our misery, and that we should be much happier if we gave it up and returned to primitive conditions. I call this contention astonishing because, in whatever way we may define the concept of civilization, it is a certain fact that all the things with which we seek to protect ourselves against the threats that emanate from the sources of suffering, are part of that very civilization."
    -Sigmund Freud, "Civilization and Its Discontents", 1930

  6. Both Uncle Freud, and those long ago Commanders were on the ball.

    Know what the problem is where it comes from what feeds it where it's leading. That's Freud.
    How to live in it's aftermath.
    That's where those Roman Commanders came in.

    In our case the rich who are building bunkers or hiding in other countries will be meat. The Mid-western bunkers will be overwhelmed by the armies cold, and hungry.

    The rich there will be a tasty stew indeed.

    The New Zealanders will slaughter the Nazi expats, and take their stockpiles of supplies.

    There will be isolated functioning regions, and allied outposts of organized communities. New nations will one day grow from these.
    They may be better or worse than us,...folks being what they are a mix of both.

    Meanwhile the Earth Abides.

    1. Sounds like a passage from Burroughs "The Wild Boys"!

  7. Well Mr. Burroughs was clearly on to something with that one.


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