Monday, September 30, 2019

"'s the Year Zero,...Again"

"Don't Iron while the Strike is Hot"

This from the first Woman's Strike in 1970
#45's Empire of Madness unravels before us.
Everyday thanks to his gross stupidity
he hands more evidence, and witnesses to the prosecution.

This shit could go down in weeks.

47% want an Impeachment now.
 Up from 35% from a week ago.
It seems to be increasing 10% a week.
Fuck I didn't know this country still had it in them.
I expect nothing as always.
However the wheel's still in spin.

Stay tuned.


Geisha Barbie up there scoping the last of Summer.
Though it's warm, and humid today.
Later in this week it's dropping to 49f with cold rain.


One fucking extreme to the other with no space in between.
There's our beloved Coney Island at the end of season.
She comes back on Memorial Day 2020.

This assuming we're still here as #45 threatens Civil War.
Yeah he said that.
Rumors are he wanted some of the Dem candidates,
"...dealt with."
So far hearsay, but it is the sort of insane shit he sez.
So if we're still here in late spring.
It's Boardwalk Nathan's fries, and dogs for me!


Given what #45, and his fans have said, and done.
I have to assume this is what they mean by
being "Great" again.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Well it's that time again when our audience basically disappears. Is there some party I'm never invited to somewhere? Anyway for days the numbers have been under 20 views per day. Today,...6

Shit I have a larger audience when I stumble out to the store for a loaf of bread. I told an old Facebook pal. She said post Naked People the crowds will come back.

They would too.

ack in the old daze when I did Queer blogs I was up to half a million hits because of shit like that. Btw today that's nothing. 12 year olds that live-cast on YouTube get millions of hits as a matter of course.

Blogs are so 1955.

"My Life as a Dog",...part three

"My Life as a Dog" ...or Snoopy reluctantly remembers.
Charlie Brown was in jail again. This time for selling porn in his school yard. "I thought they were National Geographic's" said Charlie. The judge didn't buy it. He gave Charlie a choice. Despite being 8 years old he could serve 16 years in Angola prison down in Ragged Leg Alabama. ...or Volunteer to replace the chimp about to shot by NASA into space.
This was back in 1958 when we seemed to do such things. 
Charlie remembering his NYC Rikers Island shower adventure said,"...I'll take the ride".
Snoopy through his contacts at the Pentagon arraigned for Charlie to get the simplified training course. Have a large spaghetti dinner then be locked on a small box for 12 hours while it was spun around at 5000 rpm. Charlie though technically dead after this was nonetheless in good humor. He had the Right Stuff.
Snoopy as Charlie Brown's media advisor arranged rally, and speech by our hero at his old school,...the one he was busted for selling porn at. Having the butt of all their bullying suddenly famous do not go well with the student body. Murderous vengeance was in the air.
So Charlie Brown convicted felon, and astronaut in a bullet proof polymer box gave his speech.
"First of all I'm sorry about that National Geographic porn thing."
  A large brick bounced off his box.
"Um,...well that, and sitting on Vice President Nixon's knee."
A shot rang out.
"They tell me unlike that Russian space dog they intend to bring me back down."
The mob rises as one hurling everything not nailed down at our hero.
Curtain drops, and Charlie still in his box is quickly wheeled to a waiting armored car behind the school. They were followed for blocks by several hundred enraged 9 year old's. Everything went as Snoopy planned. 
He has a contract for a tell all book riding on this adventure.
Back at the motel Snoopy was on the phone with FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. This in regards certain photographs the director dearly wanted not to be released.
Charlie was in the head shooting up.
The launch date was days away. Charlie Brown had no intention being slammed into the cold monotonous void sober.
...I mean who would.
Stay Tuned for part Four!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

"Geisha Inc."

A pal was telling me that them geisha gals ain't exactly thick on the ground over there in Japan. This since to get into the training one needs the introduction from assorted big shots. Politicians rich guys or the mafia. Also after you get in it's insanely expensive so only children of the very well off are geisha.
What a drag.
So I figured I could fix this...with one of them "Kick Start" money things. I'll start a franchise of cut-rate Geisha Academies. Sort of like them car or air conditioner repair school scams. 

(Copy for my Geisha School commercial.)
"Yep come to " Aunt Kiko's Geisha Refinement Academy" Outlets all over the Tri-State area. We'll have you in white powder a kimono, and saying "Hello Sailor" in no time. Financial assistance available. Apply today have your 'Geisha Dreams' come true!
All sizes life-styles genders orientations, and till now unknown, and or unique identities welcome!
On public assistance? Currently incarcerated? No problem. We can work a deal!
We speak Russian~Мы говорим на русском!
We speak Creole~Nou pale Kreyòl!
We speak Persian~ما فارسی صحبت می کنیم!
We speak Mandarin~我们说普通话!
Si Habla Espanol!
See above,...There's Hatfield Broadjump! His Geisha Dream has Come True! So can yours!
Ask about our Veterans rates!
Apply Today!

Friday, September 27, 2019

"Oh for an Ounce of Faerie Dust"


One tries so hard not to fall into the darkness to try to be bright humorous to have wit, and grace in a time of venalities.

I'm just so tired.

"...who knew?!"

Okay so I went to Mars last week. Nice people. Anyway I came back, and well,...ya know. Look I thought it over, and I'm returning. Mars.

They have good National Health affordable rents free tuition high speed rail a Trannie BL Prime Minister, and free cable.
Hell the place is like Amsterdam in the 70's run by Bernie Sanders.
There are 400 new flavors of ice cream, kittens too!

Did I mention them Dinosaur bones all over the place. Seems Mars is where they all came from...who knew?!

"Public Service Announcement"

The following is a Public Service Announcement on behalf of the Martian Free Association of Settlements to the Oppressed in the United States of America, Earth.

Mars is now accepting as many American Refugees from Oppression as can get to Mars. Please call your local Martian Consulate for details.


"Signal to Noise"

The Poor Agenda
The Woman's Agenda
The Black Agenda
The Queer Agenda
The Immigrant Agenda





Hillary watches the Spectacle.

To my radical pals that refused to vote for her.
Saying she was the same as Trump.
The suffering of them brown kids in them cages 
is on your hands.

Now you're saying you won't vote
if Bernie don't get the nod.
You ain't learned Shit.

Fuck You.


Just another day on the job for the Free Press.

"The Don Bites it"

Well I'll be damned. Here a few posts down I was against this. Thought it suicidal. But the fucker is getting Impeached. He still might get re-elected, but that's besides the point,...for now. 

The jerk hung himself. 

Openly said Impeachable noise. Getting the King of wherever to subvert our 2020 elections in return for some hardware to fight the ongoing Russian invasion.

#45 gleefully said on a recorded phone call about needed arms to a pal. I mean with the Russkies kicking in their front door.
"Sure I can help,, but I wants you to do me a favor first."

Ding! ding! ding!! ding!!!


"Buzz tell the audience what our hero has just won."
"Thanks brad,...Our beloved #45 in trying to get a fellow boss to get shit on his likely rival in the 2020 elections. He gets,....wait for it..."


Yes for the High Crime of seeking the assistance of a foreign power to interfere in our National Elections.  "Uncle Don" is Bleeped! 
The damned House already has the votes, and it may be a near thing in the Senate. No matter he's the third Boss to be Impeached in our history!

Me I'm impressed. 

Thought this would drag on to the elections giving it on a sliver platter with a red bow to the Nazis. Dems are artists at failure, and defeat.
Fortunately turns out #45 is so stupid he's handed them the smoking gun on the 2nd day of the investigation.

...took Nixon 18 months.

Shit is speeding along like crazy. 
Though Fox is sputtering. Republican big shots are stymied. Nothing they can say since their boss openly admits to the deed. Yeah he said, " me a favor." That to dig up shit on that Biden guy.

Heck if he just waited Biden would have imploded on his own. Warren had just passed him in the polls. Aw well. Anyway all this is fun. Like the early daze of Watergate.

There they were live on TV, and online. 
Assorted news wonks going over the released texts aghast at what their finding.  One sweaty disbelieving MSNBC network wonk looked up from the steamy pages saying,... 

" gawd he did it,...this is Impeachable."

Meanwhile the boss is fine. 
Just another day at the office. Brushing it off as more fake news, and threatening to have the "Whistleblower" executed as a Spy. Business as usual for him.

I'm however struck by the republicans not being able to say the same. None have said fake news because their boss just fucking admitted doing the deed. I guess he figures he really 'can' get away with anything. 

Yeah he just might, but we'll see.

I thank #45 for giving me something this entertaining to watch real time minute by minute. This shit beats Netflix any day.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...