Friday, September 27, 2019

"The Don Bites it"

Well I'll be damned. Here a few posts down I was against this. Thought it suicidal. But the fucker is getting Impeached. He still might get re-elected, but that's besides the point,...for now. 

The jerk hung himself. 

Openly said Impeachable noise. Getting the King of wherever to subvert our 2020 elections in return for some hardware to fight the ongoing Russian invasion.

#45 gleefully said on a recorded phone call about needed arms to a pal. I mean with the Russkies kicking in their front door.
"Sure I can help,, but I wants you to do me a favor first."

Ding! ding! ding!! ding!!!


"Buzz tell the audience what our hero has just won."
"Thanks brad,...Our beloved #45 in trying to get a fellow boss to get shit on his likely rival in the 2020 elections. He gets,....wait for it..."


Yes for the High Crime of seeking the assistance of a foreign power to interfere in our National Elections.  "Uncle Don" is Bleeped! 
The damned House already has the votes, and it may be a near thing in the Senate. No matter he's the third Boss to be Impeached in our history!

Me I'm impressed. 

Thought this would drag on to the elections giving it on a sliver platter with a red bow to the Nazis. Dems are artists at failure, and defeat.
Fortunately turns out #45 is so stupid he's handed them the smoking gun on the 2nd day of the investigation.

...took Nixon 18 months.

Shit is speeding along like crazy. 
Though Fox is sputtering. Republican big shots are stymied. Nothing they can say since their boss openly admits to the deed. Yeah he said, " me a favor." That to dig up shit on that Biden guy.

Heck if he just waited Biden would have imploded on his own. Warren had just passed him in the polls. Aw well. Anyway all this is fun. Like the early daze of Watergate.

There they were live on TV, and online. 
Assorted news wonks going over the released texts aghast at what their finding.  One sweaty disbelieving MSNBC network wonk looked up from the steamy pages saying,... 

" gawd he did it,...this is Impeachable."

Meanwhile the boss is fine. 
Just another day at the office. Brushing it off as more fake news, and threatening to have the "Whistleblower" executed as a Spy. Business as usual for him.

I'm however struck by the republicans not being able to say the same. None have said fake news because their boss just fucking admitted doing the deed. I guess he figures he really 'can' get away with anything. 

Yeah he just might, but we'll see.

I thank #45 for giving me something this entertaining to watch real time minute by minute. This shit beats Netflix any day.

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