Monday, August 19, 2019

"Tip of da hat to Anon"

Commented from Anon.
"The world to which we belong is hideous, and appears as the most failed of all. In past worlds, it was possible to lose oneself in ecstasy, which is impossible in our world of educated vulgarity.
The advantages of civilization are offset by the way men profit: men today profit in order to become the most degraded beings." -Georges Bataille, "The Sacred Conspiracy"

My response.
" lose oneself in Ecstasy."
The closest we come is,"...the Pursuit of Happiness"
That lingers in our Constitution like a threat to our Owners, and a promise to the bleeped over Masses.

I view that phrase, "...the Pursuit of Happiness" as the only one worth really embracing in that document. This as a seed biding it's time. Waiting for the soil of our souls being just right for the planting.Then the great blossoming into what we were supposed to be in the first damned place!


  1. Thank you Uncle Sid. That Bataille was one hell of a genius.
    Someone once told me, or I read somewhere a long time ago, that instead of "The pursuit of happiness" the founders of our glorious country wanted to use the phrase "The pursuit of property".
    Hey... I just checked it, and it was Jefferson who didn't want to use "pursuit of property" and made it "THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS". Too bad very few listen to these words.

    Emerson saw clearly where we were heading when he said: "The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization." Well, I think we're almost there!

  2. Jefferson was funny that way. For example he wanted to free 'some' of his slaves, but found he needed them to stay financially solvent.

    Hey business is business.

    Still good move putting in that Hippie "Pursuit of Happiness".

    It's as I say, and unintended magical seed waiting to be planted.


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