Thursday, June 13, 2019


I've been rather busy not dying, and all so you'll forgive me. While laying about gathering dust I've had all manner of ideas for projects to fill up my end of the void with.

The usual art crap, and spirit stuff that no one will care about, but which will make at least me chuckle. Caravaggio had the same idea. "Yeah" he thought. "Think I'll paint this weird crypto-sexual painting of an Angel boy"

'And he did.

Popes, and assorted rich guys have had it in their private collections for centuries...till publishing came along, and perverts like me, and Keith Haring got our own sweaty copies.

There's the little fucker up there.

He goes in, and out of fashion like wing tipped shoes...right now in a bit of disfavor for reasons we know too well. Then again there's that wonderfully insane Van Gogh.

Him Caravaggio, and Walt Whitman I'd loved to have sat down with for the night, and snorted speed coke, and drunk bottles of cheap wine. While bullshitting about the world the fucking universe, and everything.

Yeah I'd have really liked that.

Be back later.


  1. Printing is great because it democratizes art with cheap pix, and you can spread it everywhere.

    BTW, did you bind your zines with staples? I'm thinking of making some of my own, and am wondering if I should get a saddle stapler.

  2. I used many kinds of binding.

    From Japanese style stitching. One sheet folds. You take an 4x17 sheet print your art in comix style. Then fold it in such a way that it fans out as an ongoing piece of art.

    I loved doing this shit.

    Of course traditional saddle stapling. Also glue, and hard board spine binding.

    Those were the days.

    This, and weird stuff I invented in process.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...