Thursday, May 30, 2019


Satan, and token Colored GI Joe on the Iranian Border.

It's something how emotion runs through it's litany in uncertain times. From calm to extreme everything in the middle then large doses of extreme. Rather exhausting. 

This has been a bad month. 

Just bad. Health meds diet my home loss of old friends, and facing my own mortality. The world run by literal insane people wars being stumbled into all that drama, and madness, and folks happy with it. 
I mean all smiles if the Trump Bund Rallies are anything to go by. 

I was watching Mecca on their local live stream news. There they were gleeful at the chance to strap bombs to themselves.

Swell huh.  

I mostly just sleep.

Till the nightmares kick in.


  1. That's a fucking drag. Ill health pisses me off. I never had that many friends, so there never was a big social circle to disappear on me.

    If I have to look at videos of crazy people, I try to enjoy them for the entertainment value. As Gore Vidal said, stupidity excites me.

  2. Everyone is so alienated, not only from each other, but from society and the environment that there is a lot of misery. In the past when a friend passed away or moved somewhere else, there were new ones to fill the void. That doesn't seem to be the case any more.
    And yes, the general insanity of our times is staggering. Perhaps the extinction of humanity will be a blessing. The question is will it be quick or will it take another few decades. I know there are no centuries to look forward to. That is out of the question!
    Hang in there buddies, Uncle Sid and Kevin and Padrig.

  3. One fucking day at a one can do.


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