Friday, April 19, 2019

"Toys of our times"

As ya know I'm a scale model toy, and doll fan. However this here is some seriously wild demented insane shit. Fucking model Atomic Bombs. Not just any mark or variety, but the Ground Zero of that species death bringer.

Yep See above.
You can have your own to scale model "Fat Man", and "Little Boy". Scale models of Nagasaki, and Hiroshima I imagine weren't practical to include. The box would be, to scale...about a diameter of 30+ feet. 

In thinking about it. If one made the bombs 1/72 scale as opposed to the I/12th of these kits. Yeah then ya might be able to pull it off.

The B-29 "Enola Gay" which carried one of theses things is no problem since these are always 1/72nd, and sometimes 1/32nd.

As I mentions in some satires about war toys. It wouldn't take much to have a scale electric train set,..."Cattle Car of Doom". It can be easily done,...and has been I saw on scale model diorama sites.

As I also mentioned I stopped going to them places since they're now mostly over run with elderly Boomer Nazi Fan Boys building Nazi tanks, and planes, and wistfully going on how great the world would be if the Nazis had won.

I stay on Angels, and Faerie pages these days.

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