Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"Nothing Makes Sense"

"Nothing,....nothing makes sense"
See new CEO of Amazon above.
I understand an empty can of Pepsi was elected Senator 
in a special election in West Virginia.

Newly reveled notes by the late Carl Sagan
sez he believed the Moon
was made of Green Cheese.
With candy sprinkles.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


There above the Imperial United States of America at it's height! I was there I saw it I lived it. The was justice there was hope there were miracles we were going to the stars everyone prospered.

Well most everyone.

Nothing like it had happened before nor will ever happen again. This is why the myth of those times has such power. This is why our culture has spread all over the world. 

The Glory of Empire.
It happend I saw it I was there!

We didn't have to force it on the world, like the Romans Brits Chinese or fucking French. They took it ran with it they fucking wanted it still do. 

Even though our greatness is gone never to return. 

Our cities now rot our children hungry prisons full water poisoned.
Yet we are the greatest Myth of all human history. 10,000 years from now our tales will still be told, and the truth of our existence wondered at as we wonder of Atlantis.

Our last Emperor is an illiterate disturbed buffoon.

This is the proof of our end. So it was with every other empire. Yet they will still sing Doo-wop a thousand years from now.


As you may notice I'm regressing.
It might be my inner clock knows it's running out.
Whatever I'm actively dreaming remembering the very early parts of my life. Much was fucked up. Whose ain't?

However there were moments sprinkled through those years that were sweet. I actually had moments of being happy, and safe.
If you have kids or have contacts with any. Give them good memories. These will be a comfort in them years to come.

Golden Records.

Well they came a several colors, but Boomers mostly remember the Gold/or Yellow ones. I sure do. I remember playing 
"The March of the Wooden Soldiers"
Till my Ma took it away,...pissed her off.
Now I get it. She was looking after us all in less than gleeful circumstances, and that damned record was driving her crazy.

At the time it freaked me out,...it's only a record.
Now I know, and forgive her.
Life is complex.

Anyhow these came back to mind.
Being an engineer in the making I screwed open my Mickey Mouse record player to see how it worked.
I put it back together before anyone saw.

It was wild in there.
19th/20th century hybrid tech.
This was 1956 remember.
The 19th century was as close to us then 
as the 1960s are to us today. 

My life, and times such as they were.

Yours too.



Speaking of a toys cartoons, and comics thread. I reject the Marvel Comics Universe. Their movies are dement heroes/villains on crack murdering whole planets fantasies. Their comics now the same. 

Yeah I used to love them like we all did back in the day. 

However they like most publishers went corporate. Everything looks the same with stupid violent stories. Actually it's not just violent,...these are cruel stories. Also identical hyper muscled drones as heroes.

Fans from the elder days,...like me. Seeing this would assume the so-called heroes were the villains, and the villains outright Satanic. 
Yeah I'm a Queer pacifist,...sue me.

*Give me Krazy Kat.

What need is there for genocidal plots with hyper rays wiping out whole worlds...which are full of people btw. That, and other assorted comic opera whiz-bangs when a Brick would do.

Simplicity is always best. 

Thank you George Herriman for drawing Saint Krazy. That, and thanks to the corporate monster William Randolph Hearst for giving that weirdo a life time contract to draw her.

I suspect that contract, and what came from it is the only reason Mr. Hearst is not frying in Hell. It's the little things.

Now Dark Horse Comics is another matter.
I loves them folks.


*(The top imagine was my first attempt 
at digital colorization of a B/W Comic image.)

Not bad for an old guy.

Saturday, April 27, 2019


The Astro Boy Twins above.
Yeah two of them.
This with their Aunt Barbie.

I still have these guys sleeping in a box somewhere.
I may dig through my stuff for them.
 Those few boxes that hold the story of my life.

"...da sights"

This from when I was somewhat more ambulatory. I used to wander about town taking shots of da sights. Like the show a pal once produced. "The Tourist at Home"

Friday, April 26, 2019


As for the space alien invasion post below. Like them smart guys on PBS say. We might not recognize them alien folks as alive much less sentient. Very likely they'd see us,...or not see the same way.

Them folks could even be here right now in some form. That, and not visible to us at all.  Heck we not noticed by them either. We're broadcast they're cable.

This would make for a very short Monster Movie.

"Exact Change"

Shuttered subway entrance 1949.
This across from City Hall park NYC.
I saw this was creeped out.

Looks like the opening of a 50's Film Noir
Vampire flick.


I was chatting online with a comrade on the other side of the planet,...hey this is the future. She's just come home from hospital, and mentioned what a nasty mess the human body is. Yeah ya sees a bunch of shit in hospitals.

Code "Brown" common.

I told her I'd been in them things rather a lot these last years. While so incarcerated you'd be amazed at what ya gets used to. What were once horrors become routine. Suffering,...death.
Three other old guys bought it on my ward while I was there. Other's had serious shit go down on them. I freaked at losing a toe. Next suit over the poor bastard lost a leg,...from the hip.

That, and blood madness screams unheard desperate prayers,...just another day on the factory floor.  Speaking of shit one gets used to it. All serious conditions involve loss of bowel control....just comes with the territory.

My suite-mate nice guy did this often. I tried my best to help him out. ...keep a few shreds of dignity. This till orderlies would eventually get there. We're all in it together in them places. 

Another thing is that your butt is always hanging out thanks to them smocks they make you wear. There they is ya full moons shining to all the world. Nurses cops visitors other victims getting a full gander.

I'm off butts now.
Nothing de-eroticizes more than seeing an organ doing what it was designed for.

The moral,...never get old sick or nuts.


The world's nations are ancient. America is very young. The old timers view us as stupid 16 year old's that blew a vast fortune in just a few years. Now we're living in a rented trailer on a vacant lot.

...behind on our rent to China too.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

"I'm a total fraud, but a nice one"

One has to see beyond the immediate.
The complexities of where, and when we are,
and who we think we are.

One has to stand outside of idenity, and time.


There's the history they taught you at school.
Then there's the wild shit you always
thought was going on.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


"Why Haven't The Space Aliens
Taken Over Yet?!!!"



I just had a thought about the unknown details of history. Perhaps an afternoon in the life of James Baldwin, and his running into Walt Whiteman. This outside of the 42nd street Library.

The story goes from there.

They later meet John Donne in Chinatown.
Our heroes decide to have a light breakfast of dumplings, and green tea. It's a crisp early fall morning in September 2001. This unlikely meetings hardly surprises them. They being mystics all assume such is to be expected from time to time.

Sez Donne,..."This vibration this electricity how you so depend on it." 
"I saw it's beginnings" said Walt. 
Lighting Chesterfield. "My damned bill is overdue" James grumbled.

There was a sudden rumble the floor shook. 
They looked up.
A flying machine has crashed into one of the great towers.
The sky was on fire.

"This is where I came in" said Donne not at all surprised.

( I might pitch this to Hulu as a min-series.)

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

"History Watches"

Old gent in a 1932 trainyard reads a strange article. 
It goes, "...As you read this people all over the world 
in the year 2019~AD will be watching you. 

Somewhat befuddled he looks around, and sez, 
"...I'll be damned."

Monday, April 22, 2019


Fuck this evil shit!

I wanna live in another timeline. 
Ya know the one we were supposed to fucking have. 
Yeah that one with the space stations coming out of our butts.
The one with free education health care easily affordable houseing.

All the normal boring crap an advanced society would have as a matter of course, and not be insane radical dreams like here.

I want to live there.
We bleeping all earned the right to live there!

That place where I can wander to the library while Black, and not be roughed up by cops. That or have to live in fear I can't get my meds. 
That or be killed for fun by Nazis.

That place where the world works just slightly better than here.
It wouldn't take much. It really wouldn't.
Say the $5 Trillions of bucks they spent on the Terror Wars.
Ya know that war that just made everything worse?

If it was spent on our own country.
Fuck! ...we'd all be living like the Jetson's now. 

I want to meditate in the Temple of the Holy Boy. 
Spend my retired summer afternoons in green plazas.
Watching youths, and boys bathe in the public fountains.

This while wandering string quartets play fucking Mozart.
Him Fat's Waller, and the frigging Beatles.

I want to drive cool Tomorrowland 1950's wheels like the above.
Cars would look just like that too
 If the prosperity of that time never ended.

Which it never had to. 

That was all a deliberate act of economic genocide.
This to stop the middle class from expanding to everyone. 
Ending the hegemony of the One Percent.

Okay time to stop.
I'm sweating, and drooling a bit here.
Yeah I get overwrought.

I'm going into conspiracy again.

Good night.

"Posted Two Years ago,...Still True"


Though it's the middle of January I'm thinking of "Gaie" Pride Day. The fact that it's been 50f all winter to this day likely puts me in a summer frame of mind

Anyway June is Queer Pride Month,...for some. Mostly for the "We're just like You" assimilated "Straight~Gay" stroller pushers.  I think now in the scary age of Trump they'll find where they really stand.

'But to my point.

I'd like to re-claim Fag Day for 'ALL' Queers Sissies Sexual Outlaws, and assorted  gleeful Weirdos.
You know the Perverts that were the ones actually engaged in the Revolutionary Revolt, and Riot at the Stonewall?
This is for them Bless their Swishy Boy Loving Finger Nail Painted Gown wearing Outlaw Hearts!


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" (sidneyinhell.blogspot.com) This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...