Fuck this evil shit!
I wanna live in another timeline.
Ya know the one we were supposed to fucking have.
Yeah that one with the space stations coming out of our butts.
The one with free education health care easily affordable houseing.
All the normal boring crap an advanced society would have as a matter of course, and not be insane radical dreams like here.
I want to live there.
We bleeping all earned the right to live there!
That place where I can wander to the library while Black, and not be roughed up by cops. That or have to live in fear I can't get my meds.
That or be killed for fun by Nazis.
That place where the world works just slightly better than here.
It wouldn't take much. It really wouldn't.
Say the $5 Trillions of bucks they spent on the Terror Wars.
Ya know that war that just made everything worse?
If it was spent on our own country.
Fuck! ...we'd all be living like the Jetson's now.
I want to meditate in the Temple of the Holy Boy.
Spend my retired summer afternoons in green plazas.
Watching youths, and boys bathe in the public fountains.
This while wandering string quartets play fucking Mozart.
Him Fat's Waller, and the frigging Beatles.
I want to drive cool Tomorrowland 1950's wheels like the above.
Cars would look just like that too
If the prosperity of that time never ended.
Which it never had to.
That was all a deliberate act of economic genocide.
This to stop the middle class from expanding to everyone.
Ending the hegemony of the One Percent.
Okay time to stop.
I'm sweating, and drooling a bit here.
Yeah I get overwrought.
I'm going into conspiracy again.
Good night.