Thursday, February 14, 2019

"Java Jive"

My very earliest memory is of my Mom singing
this to my little sister, and I.
She may have been cooking or hanging
laundry in the yard. it's a mixed image.
However sing it she did.


  1. These people dress well.


  2. Dem were the daze.
    I remember as a matter of course you leave the house you dress up. You represent the family, and your own self respect.

    Heck just taking us to the park.
    My day wore a tie jacket a cool fedora, and we were in clean play things,...just for a two block walk!

    I tells ya these are the Final Days...tis writ!

    Now jerks wander around in filthy rags with their butts hanging out, and gals all look like $2 dollar Crack Whores.

    ...a buck fifty on sale days.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...