Sunday, November 25, 2018


It's nice to have a few crumbs of Hope again,...however brief it may be. See below. I like Satan do not pin my tactical hopes on electoral politics. The new Congress will do what it can. 
However I've been around long enough to know their real chances.
I like some of these kids. I remember when we had the dream. I hope theirs prospers better.

As for myself I'm okay. Destitute by American standards, but okay. I have a tidy little home some food the lights are on, and I'm connected with high speed to the world.
As you know I went without over the last decade. So I take nothing for granted.

By world standards I'm comfortable. By American as I said beneath seeing destitute disposable. To which I say fuck'em I'm alive, and still causing trouble. 

See my dangerous ink above.


  1. OMG! your lawyer friend will have a shit-fit when she sees this!
    Tell her this:
    "vade et caca in pilleum et ipse traheatur super aures tuo"

  2. I think she'll get the message,...well intended as she is.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...