Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Charles Guislain"

1 comment:

  1. I wrote in another comment that Charles let himself go. Fat unshaven,...basic millennial guy. He has to be what he has to be. However for a generation of Queer fashion perverts we loved him as a unique early 21st century Diva for the ages.

    Eh,...we were as wrong as 'bout that, and the 21st generally as a certain Brit PM was about "Peace in our time".

    Too bad,...shit was looking good for a few minutes.

    Here we are in a land of the free that puts children in interment camps, and give a wink, and nod to Nazi terror.

    I wonder if the gas will be scented this time. I'm partial to Lemon Fresh. ...okay Lemon-Lime will do.


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