Artemis returns from the moon. The three dummies on board Helga Campos and Zohar sez they’re more or less fine. Tho’ pissed the rover they dropped on da damned Moon don’t work. Campos thought it was the bathroom. ...jerk. These stuffed jokers should be back around the 2nd of December if they don’t burn up on da way. Worth every Bitcoin we spent on them.
They're still doing manned space flight? Waste of money. Automated probes are one of the two or three good uses for robots that I can think of. All the rest are evil.
China is into putting folks up there. Well, them and that Musk guy. We have a bad habit of letting our space guys die burning deaths. This in outdated space jalopies made by the lowest bidder. The robotic survey of the system is the coolest thing we ever did...other than that unrealized Pursuit of Happiness thing.