Wednesday, October 5, 2022


On da upside that Wiccan festival is coming.
Back in da day I was into that. A historic note.
It was the Gay Witches group 
that surrounded and protected 
the Dionysian contingent.
 This to the 1979 first Gay March on Washington.
I covered it for a certain radio network.

Seems the upstanding Homophiles who were marching for their humanity wanted to lynch them.
Some Queers were clearly more equal than others.

Eventually the Witches became pragmatic. 
They kicked the Dionysian's under the bus too.
But in that time that moment they were our only friends.
They may well have saved lives.
We now have no friends.
None whatever.
May not for generations if ever.

The Faeries on the other hand are still here.
Being of a higher reality
they never abandoned us and never will.


  1. I didn't used to believe in multiple planes of reality; now I do. The material world isn't all there is. Wiccans, pagans, sci fi conventions, steampunk conventions, Ren faires - they all involve people who are looking for some alternate reality. It's there, beneath the surface.

    In history there are times of freedom and times of oppression. The latter is more common, but sometimes we get lucky, for a while.


  2. We were pretty lucky to have lived our youths in America during the post-WW2 era. We had maybe 25~30 or so years of relative social openness. Cultural historians of the next era of freedom will note ours. They'll do all the usual the how's whys. What cultural pressure were at play all that. The might peg our era from 1955~1980. This when there was a flowering of industrial era heartfulness. The next will likely brought on by major and traumatic climatic changes. Much as the Black Death weakened feudalism and opened Europe to the Rennaissance. It will also be brief. They always are.


"...Fire Sale!"

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