Saturday, August 13, 2022

" and times"


Forgot my groceries at market. I just wandered off. They were kind put them aside for me. A note for inside of my door. 'Am I wearing pants? Do I know why I’m going out?' Also I couldn’t remember Oscar Wilde’s name. I could quote his stuff remember his image, but his name vanished. Wouldn’t look him up wanted to see how long to get the chemical thought string back. Two days. I had no idea being an old Queer would be this difficult.


  1. I can’t stand it when I forget a name. Makes me want to do memory exercises.


  2. I understand that consumption of cake and ice cream helps some with memory. If not, at least you had some cake and ice cream.

  3. There ya go!

    I’m sure there’s some supplement or other that helps - gingko biloba, probably. I’ve had it as a tea; unfortunately it tastes fairly awful.

    Oh yeah, lion’s mane mushrooms are said to be good for mental acuity. They’re kinda pricey but I bet they taste better.



"...Fire Sale!"

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