Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Obscure 20th early 21st century writer publisher lecturer. Pre-hyper cloud analog communicator. Noted for his odd wit and ironies. Post-1st American Civil War/early digital and world diversity era. See Cloud archives for his speculations and ink sketches concerning Angels. Interned and disappeared during the 2nd American Civil War, 2026/28. Note: His great great-grand niece Willamena Keung was appointed Chief Justice of the World Court 2154.
Monday, August 29, 2022
"...more good news"
We all face a unique stay bullet.
"...we're generally, fucked to shit"
Jackson Mississippi's water treatment and pumping facilities are offline. No time as I say has been given for repairs to be completed. The Governor sez he's monitoring the situation. I'm sure folks are much relieved by this.
There is now no reliable water for firefighting or personal use. National Guard mobile water units have been sent to hospitals. Also bottled water will be distributed for as long as supplies last.
This happening in the United States of America in 2022.
Our infrastructure rots mobs roam the streets folks can't buy gas or food. Pals are dropping dead. For good measure our fucking spaceships crap out in front of us. Things is going real swell.
Artimis scrubbed or put another way...failed. It didn't launch as there was a breach in a liquid hydrogen line. It vented out of the ship. It looked like someone had shot it with an RPG round. There it was billowing away. That Liquid Hydrogen line like the others cools the engines. If this had blown during lift off the whole damned thing would have ignited like the Shuttles did.
If this was a crewed mission NASA would be adding more dead astronauts to the piles of Shuttle crews they murdered. That by incompetence hubris and corruption.
They flew the Shuttles years past their remove from the shelf date. This time it's worse. The fuckers are years late getting this damned thing into the sky. More than enough time to get it fucking right for a change.
Mind they're great even miraculous at robotic exploration of the system. However, the manned mission department is dicey and always was. NASA should de-fuel that roman candle. Roll it back to the shed. Dismantle it and sell its guts for scrap before they kill more people.
Leave this to private industry. They're out to make money so their manned stuff works. If it don't they get sued through eternity. What I mean is...fuck NASA to hell. Even if they launch next week no one has any confidence in them. Haven't for 50 years.
UFO hunting season due to this embarrassing fuck up has been moved back to its original date. See post below. Also aluminum hat and license requirements have been re-instated.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
"...I can wait"
A FB pal mentions they lost a friend last night. I lost one as well. Fred from my radio life passed a few days ago. In these days, months...tears just come. I know this is happening. Friends are messaging this to me. We're strong, but heartful hence tears. Our friends just keep leaving. It's like everybody is going to some amazing party and I haven't got my invitation yet. I can wait. However, when I gets there we'll all have a bleeping ball! The cake ice cream ganja tuition, and 1956 Thunderbirds is on da house. That and Bessie Smith John Lennon and Judy Garland will be singing their new songs!
Be well be safe love you all
Friday, August 26, 2022
"...who we are"
This is who we are.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
"...Queer June re-run"
Since it is...or was June here's something from my Queer daze. Once upon a time: I was always presumed Queer…even by myself. That being so I was very much a John Symonds fan in my youth. A once noted pacifist smarty pants. This in my days as a Queer outlaw idealist.
I had this romantic idea that all Queers were idealistic artists and pacifists. Then I met the real homosexual community. This at the height of the impersonal random sex era. The perfect vector for the AIDS Virus. I weep still.
Though yes, I did find like-minded souls that thought we could overcome cruelty with love. Much as J.S. did. As you may have noticed our revolution has not completely succeeded yet. Still, it's a lovely idea and research continues.
" and times"
We was putting up da first satellites, and planning to go to da Moon! For those of you who wasn't there I got' a tell ya this country was hot shit in them daze! Imagine...our folks had good jobs, gas was cheap, we had TV, and was watching till them radioactive cows came home! Eh...we sort of set A-Bombs off a lot.
Hey! Was that a "Golden Age" or what?!!
Well, in da middle of all that bright and happy noise I decided I wanted to be a Boy Scout! 'Made sense given da times. I wanted to serve my country...over easy with fries. It was "Camelot" big time back then, and I wanted to do my bit for "Kennedy and Country!"
Also in my pubescent mind I figured da scouts was just da place for "Colored Sissy" kid, with Anarchist tendencies. I figured getting in would be no problem. After all I was real smart cute, sweet, and polite as hell! I also had the da frigging "Pope", my Mommy, and Robert Kennedy's Justice Department on my side.
How could I lose?
I had visions of wearing one of them "Smokey da Bear" hats that scouts gets ta have. Boy those things is neat! Better than cowboy hats any day. Anyway, I was dreaming of that, and all them badges, ribbons, medals', assorted bright and cheerful doodads they heap on ya in da scouts for being a good kid.
Let me tell you of my innocent boyish scouting visions...
I saw me, and my new scout pals out in da wilds tracking hunting mountain lions, digging up Spanish gold! building tree houses, sighting UFO's. We'd be capturing Atomic Spies, rescuing kat's, exploring unknown caves, and make'n friends with da Indians.
We'd be tying all sorts of knots, painting ourselves up like Sioux Warriors, eating wild berries shitting in da woods, wiping our butts with leaves. We'd run on all fours like wolves, and howl at da moon! To relax we'd go nekkid skinny dipping, have kissing contests, and build model airplanes!
My Mom: "What did you say?!"
Scoutmaster: "Eh...I'm sorry but it's just policy". "There's nothing I can do about it.
This troop doesn't admit Coloreds."
Scoutmaster: "Technically yes, but the board has the final say in these matters.
As I said I'm sorry we can't admit your son into our program."
My Mom was gonna slug this jerk, but didn't because he seemed, (to her at least), ashamed of having to do this foul shit to someone. I'd have slugged him anyway, and maybe burned the school down too. Anyhow the 'I'm just following orders' cog went on to tell my Ma of another troop that was willing to take 'some' Negros. ...Swell. That bunch was a long bus ride away so thanks, but no thanks said my Ma.
She told me this fuzzy story about there being no room that season. 'Made sense. Remember it was the height of da "Baby Boom" era. There was zillions of us kids all over da place. Hell, we was "Climbing in through da windows" quote Holden Caufield. So yeah, I bought it.
Next year I asked again...same story. The year after that I didn't ask...didn't wanna be a scout anymore anyway. Had other slamming headfirst into my teen years. A nightmare of burning dumpsters on greased skates full of deep shit and crushed desires.
Well, the seasons passed, and with one thing, and another I found myself a young man. Eh, perhaps I should put that another way. Never mind, look it was 1976 the Bi-Centennial year. We'd just lost the Viet-Nam War, there were mile long lines for petrol, the economy was in the toilet, Ford Pinto's were spontaneously combusting on our highways, we'd stopped going to the moon, or anywhere else for that matter. People thought platform shoes were cool, and the first rumblings of the Drug Wars were being heard. Yeah, da 70's... swell.
70's or not ya only gets one "Bi-Centennial" to a country, so we celebrated. I had gone home to visit my folks...I was living out west back then. I was sitting in the front room of da old family place watching the parades, and mayhem with my Ma. We finally got a color TV. Dad didn't want to get one. He thought they caught fire. A common notion back then.
Next some old guy's weary fez caps driving "Model T's" chugged by. This was followed by high school "ROTC" drill teams goose stepped down 5th avenue. They flipped their M-1 carbines all over da place. A bunch'a folks dressed like pilgrims drinking Cokes on a flatbed pulled by oxen. All this followed by some poor slobs in hot dog suits shoveling up after them.
Yep that's "America" alright...recognize her anywhere.
After a while on comes the Boy Scouts, hundreds of 'em! Aw gee, they was wearing their "Smokey da Bear" hats too! Wow da boys was having a great time marching and horsing around with each other. I mentions to my mother that it was too bad about all that "overcrowding" when I was a kid. I told her that I really, really wanted to be a scout back then.
My Mommy gets quiet, she looks at me, and tells me da whole story..., all of it.
Like I said, parents, the good ones protect their kids. Protects their Innocence as long as they can. Many seasons later. Long after my Mommy had gone to Heaven. I got a call from my sister. She said her son, my youngest nephew had been called "nigger" at school that day. He was still was my sister. ...So it begins.
Let kids enjoy their Innocence for as long as possible. But when the demons finally approach your walls of love. Make them ready. Teach them to face the fire and survive.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
A FB pal thinks folks don’t wants to hear about his troubles…bleep that! ‘Said, we likes you Raw Hard and Un-Cut! 'Bunch of us been there This here was in a meds report on me once: 'Social phobias uneven diet solitary and symptoms of depression’. Read like the synopsis for a 70’s Fassbinder flick. Bleep it…I got better or at least my writing did. We’re all in this thing together.
(...from my FB page the other day.)
Monday, August 22, 2022
Sunday, August 21, 2022
"...yeah, another one"
COVID Journal: December 29, 2020.
Life at Home. Day 271...I think.
More from my COVID-19 Journals.
Beginning of NYC Social Lockdown March 23rd, 2020.
There, and back again. My adventure out getting my meds and doing essential errands. Both the streets, and trains were empty. I was mostly alone. Like a Sunday morning at 5am. On the streets I was not within 50 feet of anyone. I took care of my affairs. Went to the also empty supermarket. I checked first for crowds. …empty. However, price gouging has begun.
When I came home showered. Washed then wiped with an alcohol-water solution as they suggest. Put my things in a laundry bag and sprayed with disinfectant. ...that one a bit much but still. Helicopters buzzing about. NY Air National Guard. Life in wartime. I saw an Army medical convoy on the parkway. Coming from the direction of the airport. TV sez an effective vaccine could be two years away.
The earth abides.
Trees are budding much more than when I was last out. Grass starting to poke up. There was no mail delivered. No current newspaper at the market. I’m starting dinner. Rice veggies chicken.
All is quiet. Life goes on.
(At the start of this Pandemic era they said we should all keep a journal. Not for us. We're too close to the chaos. Also few may want to remember. As they didn't after the 1918/19 Pandemic. These notes are for history.)
Life and times. Earlier in the week I got an email from the library. They send you shit a day or two before the due date. So off I went. The sun was high it was humid, and at or near 90f~32c. I was going out for more peaches and stuff anyway.
"...News from the Front"
On the upside I collapsed in my hallway. This time I remember going down. Recall last month when the same happened. I came to on the floor vision grey unable to move. Thought that was the ball game. It had an effect on my attitude.
This time I was there for the whole show. Da ninth inning for sure...again. But after a bit I felt this wasn't as dramatic. I could move in a few moments. Didn't crawl to the local Mc-Clinic this time. Too tired pissed off. One can only take so much fun at once.
That and perhaps I spoke too soon about the extreme heat waning. It was 89f and 93 in my digs. That in combination with all my usual co-morbidities did the trick. I hope this doesn't become a habit.
So I keep my AC on all the time and drink iced tea sugared or not like it was Cocaine Cola. I'm 238 and shit like this is supposed to happen. Still, it takes getting used to.
As for news from the front.
Ukraine is still a mix of business as usual and hell on earth. I mean I see videos of Russians and Ukrainians within earshot of artillery just going about their lives.
When that Russian naval base was rocketed by Ukrainians. Folks was sitting around the shore under beach umbrellas...with burning ships in the background. Same with Ukrainians. Summer shopping with the kids with the thunder of bombs in the distance.
Was like this in the London Blitz. Life goes on life finds a way. So my elder medical drama is small French fries. Big fries to me but in da scheme of shit...ya know.
"...time and again"
"...Fire Sale!"
I am now posting on >>>> "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot. The ot...

"...stunned" 1944 Americans in stunned horror. This as they see 2019 Americans support Nazis.
I found in my archives photos of my model WW1~Albatros. I still have it in one of my closet boxes. Click to view. I wanted to ...