Sunday, July 10, 2022


Thinking of birthdays histories family, and ancestors. My dear sister Sylvia journalist film maker historical researcher has been searching for traces of our family’s beginning…at least in America.

This document below is ships manifest for the Baltimore cargo ship ‘Pioneer’. On it my Great to the 3rd degree Grandmother was held. She the matriarch out our paternal line.

She was bought, and as the saying of the time went “…sold South”. The buyer was my Great grandfather to the 3rd degree. William Stewart, later a Confederate officer. He was father of my Great Grandmother to the 2nd degree Josephine. She the daughter of my primary ancestor on that ship, and her owner William Stewart.

This btw is how Scots Irish ended up in my DNA trace.

This Slave manifest is from the ship the ‘Pioneer’. At the top of this document, it states: “Manifest of Negroes, Mulattos, and persons of Color taken on board the Barque Pioneer July 24, 1848.

This is literally the last sales slip for my family.

That because we stayed at the Stewart Plantation until the Union Army of the North arrived in Ocean Springs Mississippi in 1865. They ended our bondage. It is from Josephine child of our Slave ancestor on the ship, and her owner that a coherent family history was pieced together.

Our search continues.

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