Tuesday, July 12, 2022

"...more good news"

NYC issued a Nuclear Attack Warning video.
Things being what they are I guess they thought it prudent.
They then withdrew it. However now it's back.
I wonder at the politics involved.
I just reposted it.

Anyway, as I said before the video went black.
First of all who the fuck has a NYC apartment as vast and fancy as the one the above rich millennial seems to be living in.

That and they didn't mention that the City has more than 300 warheads of varying sizes targeted on it. That was 20 years ago when the Kremlin archives were briefly open to historians.

Fact is if you're within 80 to100 miles of that blizzard of detonations...you're dead. Dead as a bag of rusty hammers in Hiroshima.
So staying inside or going to a basement won't cut it. Ya might as well drink heavily watch porn and sit by the window.

When those very interesting days come.
I sure will.


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