Monday, July 4, 2022

"...holy bleeping fuck"

We live in a multiverse. 
Every reality that could happen has happened somewhere.
#45 on an earth a few doors down found enlightenment.
On another one the Hippies and the Civil Rights movement merged and changed first America then the world.

A FB person Bill Routhier came up with this. 
Sez he:
"Somewhere in the vast multiverse 
the enlightened Donald sits and meditates on his idiot counterpart
 with the knowledge that someday, even he will attain enlightenment."

This would make a cool science fiction video.
Where da 'Twilight Zone' when we need it.
Stay tuned.



  1. What physicist was it who postulated that everything in existence, including every person, has an exact identical twin, even be it at the furthest ends of the universe?

    A certain esoteric tradition has it that we each have a guardian Angel, who is the embodiment of what we are meant to become; we progress toward this higher version of ourselves with excruciating slowness, through countless lifetimes, until at last we transcend and achieve union with the angel.

    Those angels have got to be awfully fucking patient.



"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...