Details of a parallel Earth.
We live in a multiverse. Our earth in one of an infinity of them. I like writing stories about such. On some we never evolved or there are Neanderthal interstellar societies. Others are as dead the moon. Airless open to the void. This one has a baseline of Kennedy not being successfully assassinated. He lived into the early 1990's.
Our historic divergence from each other. From ours to the Kennedy lives world was in the mid-1800's. A seriously failed U.S. Civil War Reconstruction. More complete genocide of the Natives Peoples. A longer Great Depression. WW2 started earlier. The United Kingdom is not a friendly power. A different Royal line with a hostile Emperor. Our histories tho' close have important differences.
Once upon a world:
In the other world's WW2 Germany in early 1945 made the components for one functional atomic bomb. However, didn't use it. The Russians overran its construction site before it could be moved. The Russians based on German work were making their own bombs by mid-1947.
In the Kennedy history as ours two American A-Bombs were dropped. But theirs on uninhabited islands in the south pacific for Japanese observers. The second demonstration bomb failed to detonate. However, the Japanese delegation got the message. The Pacific war had a negotiated end in late 1944.
In the Kennedy history Peter Best stayed in the Beatles.
Ringo died of Polio as a child. George was never born his father having been killed in WW2. Two other artists unknown on our world filled those places. The Beatles had limited fame.
They disbanded in 1966.
The Edsel was a success.
It is still being built by the other world's Ford. Newfoundland is a U.S. state. It nearly became one on our world in the late 1940's. India is three different nations. Australia/New Zealand is one country and has been a republic since 1994.
There was never large scale black and white TV broadcasts in the U.S. Color was mandated by the FCC as the norm in 1952. The first internet message was sent in 1964. The first with color images and video in 1982. A decade before we did.
DVDs came early as well. This in the mid 1970's along with CD's, and cheap cell phones. There are six international space stations.
What in our world is North Dakota in theirs is 'Jubilee'. A state given to freed Slaves. This was nearly done in our history. Jubilee was gradually taken from them in the 1890's when gold was found. This led to the great migrations of Blacks to the Northern industrial cities. Which caused a violent clash with new European immigrants. This caused the same problems as in our history just much worse.
The Civil Rights Act which ended legal segregation and returned a small portion of Jubilee came sooner than ours in the Kennedy timeline. May 1962. There was a failed assassination attempt because of it on JFK a month later.
There was no prolonged Vietnam war beyond a short period of military advisors. These were recalled in 1964. However, there was a three-year U.S./Soviet proxy war in Iran.
The country was divided between east and west in 1970. That nation was re-unified in 2012.
The Equal Rights Amendment for Women was passed in 1976.
Limited federal gay rights in 1979. Though both constantly challenged by religious groups. The Cold War ended in 1982 with the NATO Warsaw Pact conventional 'Phony War'. After an accidental near detonation of an American tactical warhead at its forward base. A mutual battlefield pull back set in motion peace negotiations. Their world still has a Soviet Union tho' a more liberalized and stable one.
There was a major flu pandemic in Mexico in 1996. This an earlier mirror of our COVID. The Rio Grande Flu took more than half a million lives there, and in parts of the U.S. Southwest. This both brought the U.S. and Mexico closer together and butterflied away the Cocaine Cowboy Cartels.
There was race tinged sentiment to build a US/Mexican wall to prevent another cross border pandemic. This was refused by the federal government as an irrational response to an international tragedy.
The American Mars Juno mission failed with the loss of its crew of 8 in 1989. An International flotilla of ships returned in 2009. This exactly 20 years after the failed U.S. mission. They successfully established bases at the equator, and south pole of Mars. In 2014 a memorial to the American Juno crew was built at the Martian equatorial base.
A former businessman named Trump is currently doing life in Angola prison. This for fraud jury tampering multiple statutory rapes and being part of a mob conspiracy to murder federal judges. All this and selling classified documents to a foreign hostile power.
In 2021 a signal from a star 28 light years away was received by Chinese radio telescopes. This was later confirmed by other nations. It was basic mathematical equations plus compress data streams. Radio telescopes on our world are now also listening to that frequency.
So far...silence.
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