In the book “The Earth Abides” written in 1949 by George Stewart. A story about a worldwide plague with a 90% fatality rate. The author describes something familiar. He called it “Secondary Kill”. That is after the deaths of the infected the survivors begin to perish. Not all, but a number. This to accidents non-plague illness, and violence.
In the emerging post-COVID era. I’m seeing signs of Mr. Steward’s 2nd-Kill" in this country. The routine mass shootings random assaults. The NYT sez…2021/2022 1,600 murdered in our town. When you consider we lost about that number a day in this city during the plague...this is an improvement. Also last year and this people have since been murdered in the park where I took those lovely Spring pictures below.
Social scientists and historians are even now spilling digital ink about this. For now, we just have the raw statistics. Basically, we take our lives into our hands by going out the door. Not just the usual big cities but literally everywhere in his wounded republic. Once from a virus, and now from each other. The new European World War is a connected symptom of the era.
As a friend of mine sez, “…life is like science fiction.”
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