Friday, May 13, 2022

"...Once upon a time"

The Bronx Thursday February 26th 11:16am 5018~CE. I figured that part of the City would be above water. There the ancient subway exit of the 241st Street/Wakefield Avenue station.

I climbed the overgrown stone stairway to an open air of wilderness. What was still of the city was engulfed in tropical rain forest. Much as the Inca cities before it. Though late winter it was very warm, and humid. Giant dragonflies flew above.
No trace of people
I imagined they were further inland. 3k years is long enough for successor cultures to have taken root. New York the portions above the deeper ocean is home to insects, and small mammals.
I sat on a moss covered log and noted in my i-Tablet:

"...I've walked the Manhattan wilderness before the city was built. Now I sit in its rain forest after most has fallen into the sea. How brief are empires."

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