Monday, April 25, 2022

Future historians if any 
will see the similarity of the European Tribal World Wars.
Other than incremental improvements in technology they were all about land power and ethnic cleansing.
As for as souls caught up in these oceans of spilled blood. 
General Patton called them:
"Those fucked piss poor dumb bastards."
This video clip sums 120 years of European history.
Sums it all up rather well.



  1. Possibly the dumbest war ever, and the first giant step toward civilizational suicide.

    I once thought Europeans were much smarter than us 'murkins, and that they would handle this phase of decline far more intelligently. But rejecting Russian oil and gas when that means their people will freeze in the dark just isn't a smart decision.


  2. Being under a Russian yoke not much fun either. But then they knowingly put themselves in that position. Typical denying of foreseeable outcomes in the name of tribal self-interest. Human selfish stupidity writ large in the skies.

    The core human problem is Tribalism. We got as far as family and tribe and stopped there. Yes, some see farther. There were outbursts of their vision in history. Peasant revolts Abolitionists Suffragettes Transcendentalist Artists movements Beatniks Hippies.

    However, nothing since. Other than maybe Environmentalists.

    The saner among these see that the very Earth is at stake. That we need to act as one. Trans-national trans-tribal. They're seen as nutters jokes and ignored. So the glaciers melt whole regions burn and world famine is the horizon.

    In some ways I'm glad I lived when I did. In one of the very few brief eras of hope and stability. Perhaps the last till another civilization rises after our demented mayhem ends and is forgotten.


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