One of my time wandering tales from a few years ago. I like this one. I'm trying to write new ones but current history makes it difficult...stay tuned.
Friday, April 29, 2022
Alone in my digs during Lockdown. I imagined it was a spaceship adrift in the Ort Cloud. I thought of the Hubble telescope. It's shown us so many new worlds. 'But no Consciousness. We missed these by some billions of years. Future awareness will in turn miss us. The Earth for now is likely alone. We are alone in a Palace of Wonders.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Monday, April 25, 2022
"...War News"
Hell, I might go over myself.
Red Army generals off record admit some of their conscripts are out of control. All that war crimes stuff that keeps happening. Hey ya have a war foul shit happens. Btw they didn't say they'd reign'em in or anything.
On the American Front. The Economic and Culture War stumbles along as some deranged fucking nut-job in D.C. shot 200 rounds from his window. Cops say it was a sniper job. If so, he wasn't too good at. Four shot including a little kid. Twenty or so injured while running for their lives. A common behavior in da States these days.
Hell, high school shooters cleaned out whole cafeterias with a fraction of his armory. He had a couple of apartments in the region packed with all sorts of hot toys. His place looked like a Colt arms dealer's man cave.
In further war news.
A Florida Sheriff suggested to folks suffering violent crime to just shoot the the taxpayers trial money. What with gunman cases backing up. Makes sense. In Indiana some white guy shot a black UPS delivery person attempting to do his job. He asked da homicidal maniac to sign for his package and was shot in the neck. Just another day.
Up North more 'Fun City', ...Google it, subway shootings. Not too bad just a few shot dead a bunch traumatized...the usual. Mayor what's his name of New Fucking Yawk City sez the solution to all the murderous wild west mayhem is understanding and more insincere make-work programs.
As I post I heard shots outside my damned window. ...again. No lie I just did. Btw this is by Emerald City standards a 'safe hood'. It's like da 90's Crack Wars. Obviously what them fuckers needs is programs...and understanding. So I guess a bullet in the back of the head for them is off the table.
In the rest of America.
Hatred violence ignorance superstitions lay offs bad water expensive food high rents bad mortgages shithole schools ugly cars bad music and boring shit on Netflix continues.
This just in from the European tribal wars!
The boss of da Red Fucking Army sez no nukes will be used...maybe. Asked about Bio-Chem shit...he had no comment. So I guess this is somewhat good news.
More as the party continues.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
We know what’s going on everywhere now. Thanks to the web our iPhones even to a lesser extent TV. Has it always been like this? Wars plagues hope love. If they had the tech would folks have seen the same human dramas in 600 BCE 1200 CE today this afternoon this evening this moment.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
I have no idea what to say. A quiet numbness has settled in. Chaos in our battered republic mass shootings all over the Emerald City. Plagues continue and the Fourth World War is in play. The Cold War counts as the Third. I post vignettes of calm day to day life attempts at humor. I do art sleep and watch old movies but mostly like you bear witness. Life goes on.
Monday, April 18, 2022
Sunday, April 17, 2022
"...another day in the life"
Meant to post this last week but forgot. I forget plenty these days. That’s okay it always comes back. This is a kind of self-editing. You get to reconsider when you remember the stupid stuff you were going to do or say. Unlike this post which I will share anyway. Once upon a time:
This missive inspired by a post from my friend and artist Andrew Leslie Phillips, The above is a ‘Marr’ which lives in Cobden western Victoria Australia. It’s a shallow volcanic crater. Now da fun part. Imagine this appearing overnight in the Sheep Meadow of Central Park. Or maybe Brooklyn…I like that idea better.
If there throw in an exact replica of Stonehenge with the Tree of Knowledge from the Garden of Eden in the middle of it. We’ll get a conspiracy meltdown. I mean more than we already got. We’ll make a fortune on hats and t-shirts.
Plus, it’s three blocks from my digs. I like it. Btw happy Passover Easter and Ramadan. These in order of appearance from the same basic tradition. Swell, now I have ‘everybody’ mad at me.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Was out last evening. Came back alive too. After a warm 80f degree day night brought cold rain wind. April is what March was supposed to be March was what December was supposed to be, and February was what April is supposed to be. Got that? ...take notes they'll be a test.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
"...We all suffer we're all full of it fuck it...just get on with it"
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
This from intercepted Russian troops phone calls home. This is the first war with soldier’s uncensored comments being broadcast to the world. These guys chat about looting rapes murders wanting to kill their officers sabotaging equipment so they won’t have to fight and running from battles. Things soldiers in all wars do. Only now we hear them firsthand as it happens. These things are piling up.
Encryption don’t seem to be a thing with them.
For the first-time, private journals the exception, soldier's thoughts are not filtered. Not by official positions or historians. This truth may not change anything. However now no one …I mean ‘no one’ can say they didn’t know what was really going on.
"...Tales from America I"
This is consistent. Going back to the Tea Party. Even before to the Klan. These unhappy angry people are stalled at the 3rd to 4th grade level of literacy. In that these are the spelling mistakes of children. It speaks to how badly the education system has failed them. Not just in reading abilities but in their grasp of the world around them. True there is so much I do not know. However, being denied the very basics of education and apparently not caring is at the core of our problems.
Okay that's my sane compassionate response to this shit kicking Nazi pig fucker.
You 'can' hold both of these in your head at the same time. There's headaches tunnel vision and nightmares that goes with it. But that's the price for being fucking civilized. Guys like this bring back 1956 white is right kill Queers trucker. On da utter hand sleeps like a baby on valium and whiskey. The less they know clearly the happier they are. Which is why things are as they are.
I once said I wish I could be mean and vacant all the time too. As opposed to just doing it as a part time gig. The sincerely slack jawed are happy as pigs in shit. I actually envy their stinky paradise at times. This since the whole world is made for such persons. Must be convenient as hell. Smarty pants Queers meanwhile barf from the smell and go crazy at the deranged shit they do.
Examples. They keep voting against cute blowjobs education socialist healthcare and for the guys that are sending their jobs to China. Btw China has since sent these shitty jobs to Vietnam who later palmed them off on Indonesia. Underpaid non-union non-benefit factory jobs are an international hot potato that millions of deluded folks here wants back.
They also didn't know that Obamacare which they keep electing people to vote against. Is really the ACA. The Affordable Care Act. Which they all use and would die without. If I were a Greek gawd I'd spend all day chucking lighting bolts and Gay Wedding Cakes at them. Sigh.
I quit.
"...Fire Sale!"
I am now posting on >>>> "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot. The ot...

"...stunned" 1944 Americans in stunned horror. This as they see 2019 Americans support Nazis.
I found in my archives photos of my model WW1~Albatros. I still have it in one of my closet boxes. Click to view. I wanted to ...