Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"Act II"

I'm seeing Halloween stuff showing up. The holidays are on the way. The point of it at least in the west is Christmas. The mythology sez g-d was born that day,...go figure. Anyway thousands of years of rewrites has given us all this mayhem. Blood, and iron through the centuries. 

Prince of peace indeed.

On da other hand lets say there's something to it. Under all the lies, and centuries of murder there was actually some atom of truth. A Divine exists in some fashion, and is coming back. My take is if the Divine came back as before. Poor unwanted persecuted. The Divine would be a young girl.

A Jew in Russia Palestinian on the West Bank Black in the United States a child soldier in Africa or of any of the many unwanted of this world. Only I fear this time She will come back Angry.

Very Very Angry.

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