Monday, September 13, 2021

“…life, and times”

Every empire passes away.

Some of us were privileged to have lived at the American Empire’s absolute height. That era is already a worldwide legend. As I’ve said it was an age of miracles. The largest middle class in history. Unjust customs, and laws were finally being addressed.

Ancient plagues were being eradicated, and we were going to the stars. Some who are now elders saw it’s bright hopeful height. We have now lived to see the beginnings of it’s inevitable end.
A whole culture was slowly deliberately destroyed to benefit a particular few.

Future historians will call it brilliant. Better than most earlier empires in such a vast transfer of wealth from the many to a literal handful. One percent of the one percent of the American rich own us all. Amazing. Even more astounding no one outside of the usual suspects knows or cares. Indeed they insist on voting for them.

The British Empire took over 40 years to fall.
From the WW1 trenches of 1914 to Suez 1956. This when it had to retreat in humiliation. Though no longer an empire. They at least held their nation relatively intact to this day. Despite being unable to project power. With the exception of Northern Ireland they’ve been spared revolutions or civil wars.

Ours will fall much faster.
That, and we may not escape violence. Pockets of asymmetrical revolts. insurrections secessions even local actual or attempted genocides as in the former Yugoslavia.

All this since unlike the former Brit Empire we no longer have agreed upon values. That, and the civil population is heavily armed with military grade weapons.  This will be a hard fall.

I do not envy young Americans.
They are on the whole totally oblivious to what is happening. This is the fate of common folks in every country in such times. They’re consumed with day to day routines, and obsessions. We can only hope for light at the end of our coming darkness. 

Be wise to safe be kind.

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