Sunday, May 2, 2021


On another page was a video posted by a friend depicting some of the extremes of Evangelical worship. Spastic dancing when da Lawd takes over their bodies, and such. Well...

America was founded by religious zealots,...fanatics, and predatory business slaver expansionist. This explains us. On the upside we know how to throw a party, and we're still an ongoing experiment of the Enlightenment. So far results inconclusive.

"We have such beautiful dreams. Yet such frightful nightmares." Carl Sagan


  1. I just saw a vid that predicts the remote future of the universe. Current thinking is that entropy will win, so no change there in standard theory. But now it appears that eventually after all the stars have died and turned to white dwarfs and eventually to stellar ash, black holes will swallow everything up. This will be a surprisingly energetic process. But it turns out that some subatomic particles can actually remain unswallowed by black holes, so the latter will ultimately lose mass and evaporate. This, mind you, over trillions of trillions of trillions of years. So nothing to worry about. Besides, it's all speculation, and what do we talking monkeys know about the ultimate fate of the Universe? Maybe it's all just a magic shadow show played in a box whose candle is the sun, round which we phantom figures come and go.


  2. "Golden lads and lasses must, like chimney sweepers, come to dust."
    "No," says this ingrained streak of protest: "there is still something beyond the dust." But is there?
    There is no reason for saying there is. That skeptical mind may have overrated the thoroughness of its skepticism. As we are now discovering, there was still scope for doubting. The severer our thinking, the plainer it is that the dust-carts of Time trundle that dust off to the incinerator and there make an end to it. Hitherto, recurrence has seemed a primary law of life. Night has followed day and day night. But in this strange new phase of existence into which our universe is passing, it becomes evidence that events no longer recur. They go on and on to an impenetrable mystery, into the voiceless limitless darkness, against which this obstinate urgency of our dissatisfied minds may struggle, but will struggle only until it is altogether overcome.
    Our world of self-delusion will admit none of that. It will perish amidst its evasions and fatuities. It is like a convoy lost in darkness on an unknown rocky coast, with quarrelling pirates in the chartroom and savages clambering up the sides of the ships to plunder and do evil as the whim may take them. That is the rough outline of the more and more jumbled movie on the screen before us. Mind near exhaustion still makes its final futile movement towards that "way out or round or through the impasse".
    That is the utmost now that mind can do. And this, its last expiring thrust, is to demonstrate that the door closes upon us for evermore.
    There is no way out, or round or through.

    -H. G. Wells, "Mind a the End of its Tether"

  3. Me I just want to sit on the damned Boardwalk at Coney Island after this plague thing clears up a bit. Just sit read really bad science fiction eat hot dawgs suck down root beers, and notice pretty boys as they wander by.

    Yeah that'll do.


"...Fire Sale!"

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