Monday, May 17, 2021

“…radio daze”

In 1985 I produced a children’s retro radio show for the NY market.  It turned out to be popular by mistake. Anyway it’s where I earned my title “Uncle”. Mind I wasn’t called that on the air,…at first. However later the staff then listeners, and now folks around the digital Earth kindly use it. All this to say our theme The “Ying Tong” song summed up what we were about on that gleeful nutty show. The listeners were adults, and smart nerdy kids. We had a ball.


Peter Cedric Rocky Smith

Do you have any airchecks of the show?

Sidney Smith

Yes some on cassette. I have a memory of you appearing either in the studio or calling in. That’s what I liked about the old place. We had a bright creative staff always there on duty or not. It was such a stew of creativity then.

Above …the beloved old Edit-B where some of the shows were produced…small, but mighty. …click to enlarge. This when we were on 8th Ave. near Times Square.

Peter Cedric Rocky Smith

Yes, I’m sure I called in on occasion, your shows were one of my influences for some of the shows I did over the years, and calling in was a way I connected. As for the late, lamented, Edit-B, Small but mighty indeed – in fact, I would like to add the word formidable, too!

Sidney Smith

That too!

Our dear FCC 3rd Class broadcast licensed Kat,…“Pussifica” above.

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