Saturday, May 15, 2021


A set-up, and a punchline.

Every item in this Geoffrey Biggs magazine illustration screams 1956! Thanks to my cousin Natasha Smith for posting this on her page. Above click to enlarge.

I remember each item shown. 
The Philco TV in the upper corner with black, and white boxing on. That brown winter cap the guy is wearing in the far left corner…common on men, and boys of the time. Besides the rolled jeans. The gunsel,...bad guy with pistol at the front door is in a cap with union membership buttons. two!  
Actual functioning labor unions! 

He probably had a job at a plant. We made things. We used to do that,…a lot.

The young woman’s blouse scarf skirt pony tail bracelet,…and actual cigarettes! 
A whole history of the 50’s position of women in one shot. On left,...a fucking phone booth!,…1935 store standard. The phone late 1920’s two piece with cylindrical earphone to the guy's head.

The Wiseguy’s trench coat the .38 Roscoe!
The bar keep's bow tie, and mini-apron. Near all the shop keepers of my childhood wore these. 
Them swivel red vinyl tripod stools,…bleeping ash trays!  All the guys are wearing laced leather shoes,…like high school teachers still do.

Mind,...we still have shot-dead bodies in barrooms by the metric ton.
Like the one near camouflaged into the floor. ...See his shoes sticking out under the phone booth. 

Dirty lime green walls are also still with us. 
The only thing that don’t belong at least in NYC is the phonebooth guy’s red scarf. Men didn’t wear scarfs.
Not even gay guys back then,…more of a Brit thing.

Such times. Near full employment affordable homes,...for some. Cheap booze ashtrays, and legal Segregation for everybody.

The basic message.
The art piece illustrates the fun of a bar room multiple murder in progress. 

As I say we still have these. 
Goes back to the invention of wheat then beer. In pubs for 5000+ years, and counting. Opium dens on the other hand have the advantage of everybody already being passed out. ...The punchline

Ganja yet another story...less guns more laffs.

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