Sunday, May 9, 2021

"...From the Private Journals of Uncle Sydney"


It was the mid-late 1960's when I was in high school studying math. Quite by accident I got high in the boys crapper then went to class. I was amazed to realize how much LSD Speed, and what we called Wacky Weed quickened the mind. After that math was no problem.

Some of us in time concocted assorted custom enhancements. The consumption of which led to interesting equations. Some for slip streaming hyper quantum waves as to make faster than light communications, and with some tweaking hyper-space faster than light travel possible.

Time-like, light-like and space-like intervals in special relativity can be used to classify six-dimensional curves through curved spacetime.  At least I think so.
Though not for organic matter.

An astronaut traveling through,...well for want of a better term...Dark-Matter Space. Such a pilot, and crew would have a very bad day or I should say eternity. 

You see the Dark Universe is actually a kind of embryonic realm. Which is to say the balances are not exactly there yet. The laws of physics are wildly variable. An astronaut would really not like it there. However automated probes it would be fine. ...mostly. Some came back sentient.

We sent interstellar probes to nearby systems in a few moments. Though as I say some returned self aware. We of course kept this ourselves even to this day. I mean imagine what the current crop of world leaders would do with this. #45 being exhibit "A".

( The above is from "The Secret History of the World", and my place in it. Volume 36 of Uncle Sydney's Private Journals.)

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