Sunday, May 23, 2021

"...for the record"

Here's another post from early in the pandemic,...a year ago today. I remember saying that we should all keep journals of those days. This because they need to be remembered. The 1918 plague was near forgotten.

Well, "...Once Upon a Time."

Today from the CDC,...well them swell folks just gave us the Butcher's Bill for the week,...97,000 KIA in the Pandemic War. That's just here in the States. The numbers in the real world are terrifying.

This does not look like it's leveling off.
A week ago it was 88K. Now just days later it's near 10,000 more. Closing in on 100,000. NYC is still getting a 1000 new cases a week. ...or is it a day. I'm afraid to look closer for the real numbers.
Don't seem like this is on verge of "Vanishing" as #45 just said. Wishful thinking as he wants the economy back so he can get re-elected.
But enough of the Big Picture.
Now for life among the lowly which is near all of us now. An unending procession of ambulances continues in my 'Hood. As ya know NYC is a Pandemic War Zone. There's even bad spots in hell, and I happen to live in one. My sister messaged me telling me to never leave my digs.

My local Brooklyn hood is one of the worse hit in the whole City.
Sylvia sez have everything delivered,...I loves that kid...stuck with me though everything. Family is all. They'll put up with your annoying bleep, and be there anyway. the last day.
Anyway she sez sterilize the stuff when it gets here. I more or less do that when I did my own shopping. $14.75 for one package of beef franks. That was the high point in local gouging.
Eh...I really don't want hot dogs that bad.
Still no dairy little bread skimpy on chicken, and stewing meats,...they closed the butcher shop, and the meat dept. at the supermarket. The plague is doing it's work on the midwestern meat packing outfits. I think a bunch of us will be Vegetarians after this. That, and we'll all have ingrained habits of extreme cleanliness.

Also folks in the building are being cool. I get knocks. Neighbors asking through the door if I'm okay. This after we lost a few. We're all social distanced now. That's how we do it here. Everybody seems with the program. Knock don't open, and yack through da damned door.
COVID is finally hitting the South, Midwest, and parts of the out west checker board States.
Them folks is where we were in mid-March. They may be surprised when the plague ignores their guns,...and their Jebus. This will be very interesting to watch through the summer.
Me I'm fine.
Mostly,...have weird symptoms, but nothing that sez curtains. Looking online there's a lot of this crap floating around the City,...non-specific scary symptoms. They say it's the long term stress. Yeah I hope so. I'll have to put off that gala parade to celebrate my 70th birthday. If I'm still breathing I'll do a double parade for my 71st in July 2021.
How are you folks?
Yeah it's hard weird overwhelming.
Like we're all stuck badly written end of the world flick.
Not even any popcorn. Our horror movie has an insane head of state abetting a plague. That, and it's victims are insisting on being infected. This story even has UFOs.
The Pentagon just re-issued their statement admitting that "...unknown advanced aircraft" have been buzzing our aircraft carriers, and assorted land facilities for years. They say they'll issue more next year sometime,...can hardly wait. Weirdly this is being met with indifference. ...again.
In rational times this would have been front page noise.
The government after 70 years of lying is coming clean, and nobody gives a bleep.
Godzilla could wander up the Hudson, and wouldn't cause a stir. Sure we'd take selfies with the guy, and all. But that would be it.

He'd probably settle in Queens at the old fair grounds. There he is painting his new digs. He's a nice guy good neighbor. ...even walks dogs for folks.
New York is like that all welcome...sort of, eventually. He'd vote Independent Party of course.
So unless the sun explodes it looks to me like there's no problem. You guys stay safe.
Want you to be here for the 2021 National Block Party after this is over. ...Loves ya.

(…this from my online Pandemic Journals of 2019~2021.)

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