Thursday, May 20, 2021


 "...Conspiracies are fun"

I must be feeling better here's a heated rant.
“Chips”. Ya know the mind control circuits they want to put into us. This time via the COVID vaccine. Used to be fast food before that the Swine flu vaccine, and AIDS treatments.

This obsession first appeared in the 1970′s on the far left as a conspiracy. About the same time the moon landing deniers showed up. These have both moved to the far right.
So now both extremes are fucking nuts.
One we landed on the moon,....a number of times. Da space station is mostly real too. Btw we’re on Mars now, the Earth is not flat There are no spider eggs in M&M's...I hope, and Biden is really President. ...again mostly.

Also why would they be interested in you me or any of us. We mean nothing to the system. They already know where we are, and everything about us. If they wanted to disappear any of us they’d just do it…no conspiracy no chip. You or me would just be gone, and no one would care. As for covert indoctrination? The whole point of mind control. 

Already done. 

We buy their stupid crap on credit, and hate each other’s guts. 

I’d say they already have all they want.

Like Covert Mickey up there. Our owners are more than happy with bleep as it is.

Works out swell for them.


  1. The biggest conspiracies aren't secret at all; they're right out in the open, promoted with major publicity.

    On the whole I'd say advanced technology has not turned out to our advantage. Smart meters tell the power company what devices you're running and when, hidden cameras spot you on bridges and crosswalks and highways, smart phones spy on you in every way imaginable, and AI compiles the data and processes it continuously for the use of corporations and government.

    What really disturbs me is how nearly everyone I know accepts all this with complacency. Their feckless attitude practically guarantees that Huxley's Brave New World will come to malign fruition. Because you know there really are people who just *love* to boss everyone around, and they naturally tend to gravitate to positions of power. The state of affairs that has been unfolding is just wonderful for them.


  2. The thing is we're all fucked, and near everyone is very happy to be so.

    "...near everyone."


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...