Monday, May 31, 2021
I was reading a piece on a friend's page. Basically it went on about why some homes portions of them are cluttered...messy. Mostly it seems in response to failing structure within their lives. 'But if you are consistently tidy with few possessions, and have calm cleanliness. I have this, but still weather much the same traumas as a hoarder.
Perhaps our behaviors are unique. 'Can't be categorized. Our reactions to harsh events specific to just us. If I'd had a peaceful life would my digs be cluttered? Above my for real dining room. I have deliberately made islands of sanity. Now in my home earlier in my career. I kept it, and keep it this way to deal with trauma. In the same way others accumulate objects, and let things go.
Neither is ultimately different. They are both responses to the world as it is.
"...this day"
It is Memorial Day.
"...I don't mind"
A FB friend mentioned she may soon be using a cane to get about. I'm now using one sometimes. Folks were already holding doors for me giving me seats on the bus, and subway. Offering to help me carry things up the stairs. Before I'd politely refuse,...but these days the help is welcome. My dear sister Sylvia a few years ago. She held me by the arm as she took me about for a haircut, and Easter suit make over. This thoughtful attention by those around me started in increments. The first time was at the movies when they didn't ask for my ID for the Senior discount. Age is slow so are the signs. I don't mind. I find it fascinating, and sweet.
I've posted this old family photo a few times. Thanks to cousin Daryl for emailing it to me. It was taken I think in the spring of 1959 in the back yard of my Aunt Agnes's house in Queens. row My dear cousin James whom we all called "Jimmie". Then Grandpa...who was as Mysterious as he was kind.
Next row is me...long story there.
Then cousin Henry...Decorated Viet-Vet. Then John..."Johnny" my big brother also Decorated Vet. That, and commended by three Presidents of both parties for his Vets-assistance work. Next row my dear cousin Sandra,..."Sandy" whom we lost too soon. Then cousin Daryl...a swell kid, and now good man. Then of course my good, and dear Sister Sylvia,..."Cookie" who has saved my life more times than I can count.
Such as we were such was our lives.
" dawgs'n fries"
"...point blank"
FB just delivered this Memory. I decided to post it as nothing has changed. It saves me the trauma of writing another. Do we even know how many police killings or the ones we do to ourselves this year? So,...Once upon a time.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
"...time, and again"
I was just reading entries from my very first blog. How much, and how little I've changed in 16 years. I was younger healthier but mostly much the same otherwise. Cranky depressed pissed off humorous wondering.
I was, and am so full of fucking shit,...but I mean well. Anyway I'm still pissed, and depressed, but I keep surviving. This is not as nice as it sounds. I think of how everyone sez they want to live forever. This without thinking that through.
One day it will be 50,000 years from now on a crappy Tuesday, and you'll still be here staring blankly trying to get laid. I have an actual hostility to or at least inpatients with fear, and death.
Not sure why I never feared my own death, but it's consistent. I've been brutally assaulted in my youth by bullies, and cops had very serious injuries illnesses, and tried to off myself several times. Sure I was freaked out, but no fear. That was the last thing on my mind. I might have been a good cop or soldier,...maybe not. I can't hurt anyone.
I gots no wise stuff to end this. I'm just an old weird fed up guy thinking things over. The weather for example. It was fucking 90's for days. Now it's a cold wet night in May towards the end of a plague that's so far killed we now hear 900,000 people in this Republic. That, and it caused a Second Great Depression in fact if not name.
We're a nation divided in half between those that believe in demented conspiracies, and Neo-Nazi politics, and those that just want to get da fuck home alive. Common place violent acts against Blacks Jews Asians Queers, and all the other usual suspects...toss in the mass shootings for laffs.
Did I mention there are now new versions of the fucking plague loose in the world? They say the Vaccines will mostly stop them too,...mostly.
I don't know about you, but I'm having a ball.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
What to do with that tonnage of Confederate memorabilia. There’s Confederate general Nathan Forrest up there. Inarguably a war criminal for ordering the execution of surrendered black troops. Even given that they should leave a few where they are. …though not him. Leave some, but balanced with statues of Abolitionists in the same park. Even better have them face each other. That would honor history.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
I’ve been writing about my father, and other male relations lately on other pages, and boards. Mostly in regards to their being Negro and fighting for the segregated U.S. armed forces during World War 2. There he is up there. Sargent Alfred Smith United States Army Air Corps 1944.
I was going to write something next week for Memorial day. It’s the start of the summer season. Also it’s the day we remember all of our war dead. All from every war we’ve been in. This is a first draft, but I decided to post it today. I’ll post another version on the day.
They were Americans defending their country. Despite everything they, and theirs had suffered this was their country, and no one, not the Klan, not Tojo, not Hitler was gonna say it wasn’t. I’m thinking back to the 1950’s when I was a little boy, and my Dad, and my Uncles, combat vets all, towered over me like redwoods.
There was a strength even in their softest words. I felt very safe in that forest of elders. They’d come back. They were home, and were setting about to make their country, their rightful home better. They had just fought, and helped to defeat two of the most evil powers to appear in centuries. If those forces had won I would not be here nor would most of you.
My elders never spoke openly about what they’d seen, and done. However we could see the road map of battles cut into their body’s. When at the beach I saw war scars on my Dads legs, and burns on one Uncle, and shrapnel wounds on another. They didn’t have to tell us we saw, and understood.
They're gone now, and I miss them all. So I say God Bless you Dad, Uncle Lee, Uncle George, Uncle Clyde, Uncle Owen. Thank you for giving us our lives, our hope, and the World.
Above the only known image of Alt-B-52 serial number 61-0041. This as it appeared over Elmendorf AFB Alaska on June, 3rd 2014. The aircraft seen as it came through a dimensional rift from an alternate timeline. One where WW3 had ignited.
The actual 61-0041 was still on the ground at it's base in Wyoming as this happened. The alternate B-52 did not respond to hails. It was tracked to it's target in nearby Siberia where it dropped it's bombs.Fortunately before detonation the plane, and bombs re-entered the rift returning to their original history, and we assume a war still in progress.
( 'Was thinking of writing more short time travel tales.)
"...Wild Boys",...a re-run from years ago. we need it.
"...Fire Sale!"
I am now posting on >>>> "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot. The ot...

"...stunned" 1944 Americans in stunned horror. This as they see 2019 Americans support Nazis.
I found in my archives photos of my model WW1~Albatros. I still have it in one of my closet boxes. Click to view. I wanted to ...