Thinking of tech debris. I mean wandering about I'm struck how the streets are packed with it. Tossed out flat screens computers ear buds phones, and other tech wonders that would have been priceless a few years ago. Imagine what a bunch of pissed off creative 14 year old's could do with all that. Heck I should pitch the idea to Hulu as a series. Episode one..."The Basement Popcorn Popper, and Particle Collider".
Big flatscreens have big fresnel lenses in them. These are seriously powerful as solar concentrators. I've seen a video where one takes about ten minutes to melt a steel padlock into a puddle of molten metal. I collected one from a discarded TV a few years ago; but I've never used it, because frankly I'm afraid to. Whenever you harness serious power, there is serious risk. But with the right safety equipment you can have a small backyard smelting operation. Salvage is going to be an important economic activity in the deindustrial future that I think we can expect.
Pretty much. I want you as head writer on the teen tech show I'm trying to unload on Hulu or maybe Amazon.