Saturday, April 10, 2021

“…da heavens”

I have this ongoing idea to open a store front cathedral of some sort. It’s the Roman Catholic in me. Something like this 1930’s beauty salon would make a nice weird sacred ground sort of place…yeah I like it.

I’d keep all the Beauty salon stuff up especially the clock. However I’d fix that so it ran backwards. In honor of all that time space black hole eternity stuff…a nice touch that. “First Church of Bewildered Amazement” Oh Angels in da Heavens!  All welcome.  

Yeah sounds like my kind of place. I dream it always. We’re all Shamans. If that life after life stuff is real. I can see us all in various lives shaking rattles chanting stuff, and easing the troubles, and pains of the tribe.
Now we dream sanctuaries for the all the world’s tormented unwanted souls. Trapped in the Planetary man-Machine.
Our happy no dogma no angry sky gawds temples will in their way come to pass. It’s our destinies to make them true,…and bleep ‘em if they can’t take a joke.

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